Chapter Fifteen

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Diana stands with Alaric in front of Liz Forbes and Carol Lockwood, they'd come to the agreement, after Damon's little....outburst that they needed to do more for the town, for the people, for their children. Work harder to protect them and provide a safe environment for them to grow in. They have to do this.

"I understand where you're coming from, Diana, but..." Liz starts.

"The Gilbert and the Fell families are founding families, and as a member of both, I deserve to have a voice on the council," Diana argues. "John and Logan are gone, and you've been coming to me with every little problem like I am your personal pest controller, but I am not a formal member of the council...that changes, today..." Diana threads her fingers with Alaric's at her side, he squeezes softly. "And as my husband" Diana starts. "Alaric has every right to be on the council at my side"

"Husband?" Liz asks as she looks between them.

"The council's job is to protect the people of this town." Alaric starts. "Now your daughter's a vampire and your son's a werewolf. So who's looking after the actual people? Some of them may be family or friends, but they are still supernatural. They don't follow our rules or our laws, they look after themselves, and that's what we need to do." Diana smiles at him, and he nods back.

"We'll see you at the next meeting," Diana tells them before they leave together. Alaric lets out a breath and then laughs a little.

"Okay, that felt amazing" He admits and looks at her. "We should have done that ages ago" she chuckles and looks up at him.

"Council down" she offers, he hums and nods.

"Apartment next" he tugs her closer and leans closer to kiss her. She hums happily against his lips.


"So that's it?" Diana asks as she looks around the room she's in. "We're done. We're all moved in?" she turns to Alaric who lounges on their bed, he nods. "Wow," she whispers and looks around again. This place turned out beautiful and perfect. She hums and sways slightly. He climbs out of the bed and chuckles watching her.

"And I had Derek fit a hook on the back of the door" Alaric states as he shuts the door to show her. "It's for...Golden Promise" He offers motioning to the lasso in her hand, Diana blinks and looks down.

"When did I pick this up?" she asks him.

"Downstairs" he answers. "On the way up..."

"I did?" he touches her cheeks and frowns at her.

"Oh," he realizes and smirks. "Someone has baby brain" he teases, she huffs a little and then shakes her head. He nods.

"Urgh, that's bad" She mumbles with a sigh. "In a house full of weapons" he nods a little and kisses her forehead. He pulls back, grabs an envelope from the dresser top, and smiles at Diana.

"I also have this for you" He hands her an envelope, she takes it and frowns a little. "Open it" she does, and finds two tickets inside, she pulls them out and turns them over to read the front.

"Spa tickets?" she asks him.

"For you and Derek" he answers, she raises an eyebrow at him. "I've been hogging you, and between all the vampire stuff and the apartment stuff, you've barely had a chance to hang out. I thought whilst I finish up here, you two can...." She kisses him, shutting him up as her arm wraps around his neck. He smiles against her lips as he kisses her back. He pulls back from her. "I know you both probably would have preferred base jumping or skydiving" he teases, she smirks. "But none of those allowed for...." He sighs. "The Spa is the only thing I could find for...someone that is currently pregnant" he adds. "Plus they have this lavender and camomile thingy, that's supposed to help you sleep" he opens a draw and pulls out a leaflet, he opens it and hums a little. "Yeah, here" he holds it out to her. She takes it from him. "It's supposed to soothe the babies...or something" he shrugs. "I don't think it's very scientific" he whispers, she nods in agreement and looks up at him. She touches his cheek and smirks.

"Softy" She tells him warmly, then pokes his nose causing him to chuckle.


Derek sets Diana's bags into his car as she and Alaric say goodbye to one another. He hates to let her go, but this was his idea, and it is a good idea. Diana's pregnancy has been tough on her, with it being her first she's stressed out, despite how well she is hiding it from everyone, even him because she doesn't want them to worry about her with everything else going on around them.

"I'll have her home tomorrow" Derek assures Alaric who nods and shakes Derek's hand.

"Just make sure she sleeps" Alaric counters. "And relaxes," he says louder so Diana can hear him, she shoots him a look, he touches her cheek and gives her a look. "Relax..." He tells her. "Everything is quiet, you can take a day and a night to rest...." she nods a little and looks up at him as Derek heads towards his car.

"But the first sign that anything is happening..." Diana warns Alaric.

"I'll call you" He promises her.

"If we want to beat traffic we have to go" Derek warns as he climbs into his car, Alaric nods for Diana to go, she gives him a look back, he smiles, leans closer and kisses her.

"I'll see you tomorrow" he assures her, she nods and then heads towards Derek's car. Alaric lets out a sad breath, he hates to watch her walking away from him. Even for 24 hours. But she needs to be away from this town, away from the stress of her family. Her due date is rapidly approaching and they need to be careful. The risk of pre-eclampsia and preterm labor increases with twins and further into a pregnancy. Alaric lets out a breath and heads back into the apartment complex. 

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