Chapter Thirty-One

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Still at the hospital, Diana and Alaric stand in front of Bill's bed. Alaric looks at Diana and then sighs.

"What happened to him?" Alaric asks Diana who lets out a breath.

"Tyler" She answers. "It's a long story, but....he turned...." Meredith walks into the room with her patient board.

"Is he gonna make it?" Alaric asks Meredith.

"Nope. At least not on his own." Meredith answers and then shares a look with Diana, she nods a little. Meredith pulls out the vial of Damon's blood and draws some into a syringe.

"What is that?" Alaric asks her.

"Exactly what you think it is. Vampire blood." She administers it to Bill. "Diana told me what it can do it" Alaric looks at Diana who glances at him. "So...I cheat." Meredith admits. "I'm a doctor and I hate when people die. So when I have the ability to do something about it. I do." Alaric lets out a breath and looks between the two women.

"You two are scarily alike" Alaric points out, Diana smirks a little.

"I'll take that as a compliment" Meredith states. "Diana's the best person I know" Diana looks at Meredith.

"That's not true" Diana argues.

"Yes, it is" Meredith counters. "The lengths you have gone to for your family, for the people around're part of why I do this" She motions to Bill. "When you brought me that heart, when you told me what had been going on....I felt....irrelevant."

"Meredith" Diana whispers.

"I felt like I could do more" Meredith continues. "So...I cheat"


Diana stands outside of Bill's room, her eyes watching through the window. Tyler walks towards her and stops at her side, his eyes turning to Bill too.

"How is he?" Tyler asks Diana who glances at him.

"Better" She answers, he nods a little.

"I didn't mean to hurt him. I lost control. Again." Tyler admits, Diana nods.

"I know" She touches his arm. "This isn't your fault, Tyler, you didn't ask to be born a werewolf, and you sure as shit didn't ask to be a hybrid" He nods in agreement. "How do you feel?"

"Different. A little more myself." Tyler admits.

"Then we'll continue tomorrow." Diana offers, Tyler frowns at her.

"What are you talking about? I turned." He argues.

"Once. To break the sire bound. Turning needs to be painless...and from what I saw today...we're still a long way off."

"I can't put myself through that again."

"You are stronger than you believe" Diana tells him. "I told you, you need to break that bond, for Caroline" He takes a breath and nods. "So you will turn as many times as you damn well need to...." They share a look.

"Diana" Meredith states from down the corridor where she stands with Alaric, Diana looks at her. "Coming?" Diana nods.

"I'll see you tomorrow" Diana assure Tyler who nods and gives her a small smile.

"Hey" he stops her when she walks away. "Thanks...." She nods and continues on her way.


"When Diana told me that you hunt vampires...." Meredith states staring into the couple's weapon room. "I wasn't really expecting a full blown armory" She teases, Diana smirks a little.

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