Chapter Twenty-Two

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Diana and Eva find a chamber in the caverns that is covered in wall art, drawings, and pictures, a story. Diana lets out an amazed breath.

"Wow" Diana offers, Eva nods in agreement. "It's in perfect condition"

"It's in.." Eva begins to agree but then suddenly disappears. Diana looks around for her.

"Eva?" She asks sadly. "Eva?!" She tells and turns where she stands. "Where did you go?" She whispers.


Alaric and Damon make their way through the tunnels, heading towards Diana's location.

"Diana?" Alaric shouts, Diana leaves the chamber to find them at the end of the passage. Alaric moves straight to Diana and touches her face, it's clear she's been crying.

"She's gone" She whispers. "Eva, she's gone...." Alaric can see how upset Diana actually is by this, he frowns. "She.....was my sister again" he brushes his sleeve over her cheek. "How many times do I have to lose her?" She asks him, he shrugs a little and she closes her eyes letting more tears fall. She knows that she is partial so upset because of her hormones, but she also knows that she finally had her sister back, the sister she had before everything bad happened to her, and she lost her, again. And it just reminds her that she's lost almost everyone in her family.

"Did you find anything?" Damon asks her.

" here" she motions to the chamber behind her. Alaric follows Diana into the chamber. Damon attempts to get through but finds that there is an invisible barrier stopping him.

"God! This is not happening." He complains.

"What now?" Alaric asks him.

"I can't get through. It's like I'm not invited in" Damon pushes at the barrier but still can't get past it. Alaric shines his flashlight around the chamber, his jaw opening slightly. Diana nods. "So was Eva screwing with us, or is there something in there?" Damon asks, Diana looks at Alaric who is staring at the wall in front of them. "Watchdog? Ric?" Damon asks them Alaric looks at the wall and is amazed.

"Oh, it's something" Alaric answers.

"What is it?" Damon asks them.

"I have no idea," Alaric admits, Diana nods in agreement.


Later; Elena and Alaric are walking through the tunnel in the cellar.

"So, the Lockwoods really have no idea that these tunnels are underneath their property?" Elena asks as she shines her flashlight around.

"Careful where you shine that thing. Bats hate the light." Alaric warns her.

"Wait, what?" Elena asks him, slightly alarmed. Damon secretly comes up and whispers behind her.

"Elena!" She turns around and sees him. "Boo!" She jumps from fright.

"Ah! God, Damon!" She scolds.

"Scaredy-cat!" Damon teases.

"Just ignore him. That's what I do." Alaric points out.

"So, you really can't get in?" Elena asks Damon.

"No. Seems even the ancient Lockwoods were anti-vampire."

"What do you mean, ancient?" Elena counters, Damon gestures forward.

"See for yourself." They walk further into the tunnels, to the chamber with drawings on the walls, Diana is already there making notes in a notebook, her camera hanging around her neck. "Well, this is as far as I get to go," Damon complains. Elena enters the chamber and shines her flashlight on the walls with the drawings.

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