Chapter Eight

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Diana, Alaric, and Elena are walking along a river path in the Smoky Mountains. It's beautiful up here, peaceful considering there is the threat of werewolves around them. Alaric takes a breath and looks at the two Gilbert sisters.

"In a couple of hours, the full moon's gonna rise just above that ridge. If Tyler's right, that's where the pack'll be." Alaric offers as he motions ahead of them.

"You were a boy scout, weren't you?" Diana asks him. "A boy scout, slash vampire slayer?" Diana teases, Alaric glances at her. "Uniform and everything?" he smirks and shakes his head before stopping them. He raises an eyebrow at Diana who nods. She's fine. They are all fine. It's not been too bad.....yet. He crouches and opens his bag to reveal that there are a lot of weapons inside. He hands Diana her bow and quiver, she takes them from him and pulls them onto her back.

"Wow. You two came stocked." Elena comments.

"Well, we aren't exactly bird-watching" Alaric reminds her. "Here. Put this in your bag." He gives her a grenade.

"Vervain grenade?" Elena asks as she slides the grenade into her bag.

"Wolfsbane." Diana corrects as she adjusts her quiver onto her back.

"Well, since we're exchanging gifts..." Elena shows Alaric John's magical ring.

"That's John Gilbert's ring." He counters, Elena nods.

"It was yours once. Go ahead. Take it. I'll protect you from whatever supernatural danger we're about to get ourselves into." Elena tells him.

"He gave it to you."

"Yeah, but I'm a doppelgänger. It's not gonna work on me. He left it for if I ever have kids." Elena counters.

"Yeah, well, then why don't you save it for future generations of stubborn, relentless baby Gilberts?" Alaric then realizes and then groans teasingly. "Which are growing inside your sister" He adds, Diana smirks a little. "That I put there...oh there are going to be three of them" Elena chuckles. Diana kisses Alaric's cheek.

"Love you too" she offers with a nudge. He smiles softly at her and then leans closer to kiss her.

"Okay, 'bout you borrow it until after we survive this?" Elena asks waving the ring at Alaric. "I'd feel bad if I got you killed" Elena adds. He takes the ring. She gets closer to the water. Alaric touches the ring and stares at it.

"Put it on," Diana tells him. "We need you to come home" he nods and pulls on the ring. They share a soft look. Damon suddenly arrives and pushes Elena in the water. Alaric puts up his crossbow as Diana readies her bow.

"Damon! How are you even here?" Elena scolds.

"Thanks for the tip, friends," Damon tells Diana and Alaric. Elena looks at them both, feeling utterly betrayed.

"You sold me out!"

"You think I'd take you to a mountain range full of werewolves on a full moon without backup?" Diana asks her and scoffs. "Yeah, cause I'm that stupid"

"Get out of the water, Elena." Damon orders of her.

"If I get out of the water, you're gonna make me go home."

"Yes, because I'm not an idiot like you."

"Right now, you're both acting like idiots." Alaric comments, Diana nods in agreement.

"You gave up on him, Damon." Elena scolds Damon.

"I didn't give up on him, Elena. I faced reality. Now get out of the water."

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