Fighting for survival

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Alex's POV:

I draw my sword, supporting the girls limp body as I do so.

As my eyes start to adjust to the darkness, the harsh figures of zombies start to appear in my view. I swallow back my fear. There were hundreds. I may be a great hunter, but this is different. You see, cows and chicken don't usually charge at you trying to eat your flesh, if you know what I mean.

Suddenly an arrow wizzed past my head, narrowly missing my ear. Great- skeletons as well. Praying to notch, I leap forward, And swing my sword round at the nearest zombie. It's not the most calculated attack, but as long as I hit hard I don't care. I prepare to pull my sword back and strike again, but something meets my sword with surprising force, holding me back. Groaning, I kick forward with my legs with all the strength I can muster, and the zombie stumbles back. Freeing my sword, I bring the blade down hard on the zombies head and the zombie crumbles to dust.

I turn around and immediately come face to face with a creeper. With fast-as reflexes, I jump back and pull out my bow, ready to shoot. Suddenly something grabs me from behind, and I push back, releasing me from its grip, and whip round, the momentum of my sword knocking the zombie to the ground. I was getting over powered. I had to act strategically.

Gasping for breath, I hastily put my sword back in my scabbard. Rolling to the ground, I pulled the 'purple eyed' girl into my arms, and I heaved her up.

"ZAC!" I scream, narrowly avoiding deadly arrows screaming towards me. He appears out of nowhere, slashing three zombies as he runs past. My eyes briefly skim over his face, which was cut in many places and bleeding. Ouch.
"Zac help me ge-" I start to say, but a zombie leaps in front of me, knocking me and the girl to the ground.
I scamper up as fast as I can. Shoving the zombie back with my foot.
"Zac, help... help me get her up the tre-tree" I manage to gasp, blood welling in my ears and mouth. My eyesight is blurred, but I can still make out the outlines of hundreds of hostile mobs crawling towards us.

Sword in his mouth, Zac leaps up to the nearest branch, hands struggling for a grip for a moument, then he heaves himself up. Panting, he beckoned with his hands and I lifted the girl up to him with all my strength.

Once Zac had a hold of her, I pulled myself up. Zombies grabbed at my feet but I kicked them off, wincing. Seconds later Zac reached down to help me, and with the combined strength, I managed to crawl up.

We sat there for a monument, panting, Zac supporting the girl with his spare hand.

"They're,they're acting weird" Zac manages to gasp between breaths. "The monsters, they aren't fighting like normal. They're fighting strategically-they're smarter"
I try to consider what he saying, but my heads pounding.

Thats when the arrow hit me in the leg.

I gasped in pain, reaching down to my thigh, trying to support my self. I couldn't breath. The pain was unbearable. Gritting my teeth, I yanked the arrow out, drenching myself in blood. A scream escaped my body, ringing in the air. I was shaking uncontrollably.




And a blinding purple light penetrated the darkness.


I add a few chapters every night, so don't worry, I won't leave ya hanging!!!!!
Random question #5: whats ya favourite movie?

Dragonlover921 over and out!!

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