The battle of Ender and Herobrine

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Beatrice softly lets go of my hand.

I'm vaguely aware that we are in the village all of a sudden; I feel too much pain to really grasp the concept.

Grit and gravel is digging into my wound; it's only then I realise that I'm lying on the ground. It was like being in a dream. You know, like its real but its not. I mean you see and hear and everything, but its distant, far away, just beyond your reach.It feels like your not really there.

Suddenly I am being lifted onto some sort of bed/stretcher. Like I said, Im not really aware. It's the kind of pain thats so intense that it blocks everything else out, or in my case, nulls it down so its like seeing hearing under water.

Now I'm getting lowered down, even though I can't remember moving. I obviously had though, because I can make out the shape of a roof above my head.

The pain was un-bearable.

I hear voices discussing. I tried to lift my head to see, but it's hurts, so I don't

Suddenly I can make out Zacs voice from the wild tangle of discussion.

"Will he be OK? I don't know why it's affecting him so bad, he only got shot in the leg, right?"

My head is pounding.

" I'm not sure if he will make a full recovery. We will give him a couple of healing potions, but I think this is the type of wound that needs time to heal. It appears that the arrow was poisoned, and it managed to get into his blood stream. Although it won't kill him, he won't be able to think right" I heard someone say.

Poison?!! A skeleton shot a poison arrow? Ha. That's kind of funny. A strange giggling sound escapes my throat. Wait a minute, that's not funny. Like carrots.
I don't know what I'm saying anymore; my mind is just a mixed jumble of thoughts. Thoughts- hey, that rhymes with tomato! You better not steal my tomatoes- I'll eat you. But beware of the paintbrush. Man, paintbrushes are fast.

'I think the Poison is getting to my head' Is the last sane thought I think before I melt away into sleep.

Beatrice's POV:

They lifted Alex up onto a stretcher, and carried him to the library- the most suitable place we could think of.

Zac and I followed. People were giving me strange looks as I passed-like I was an oddity that had to be examined carefully in order to understand.

Personally, I felt like a freak show.

A clay ball landed at my feet. I looked up. A bunch of kids were staring at me, standing so still they could be statues.

"Is this yours?" I asked politely, smiling and holding the ball out to the nearest girl, maybe about 6 years old. She looked at me, eyes wide. She glanced back at her friends, who all had a trace of fear in their eyes. UnReassured, she turned back to face me, her eyes echoing her friends fear.

Ever so slowly, she reached out her hands, shaking. Its as if she was scared I was going to grab her.

Very carefully, she took the ball from my hands, slowly pulled back, and then whipped around and ran as fast as she could in the other direction. Her friends followed her as fast as they could.

I frowned, the ghost of the ball still in my hands.

"Huh, real good with children I see" Zac smirked.

I glared at him.

He mocked stumbled back in fear.

I rolled my eyes.

"No seriously! what, with your death glares and creepy purple eyes, I'm surprised people aren't dying to be your friend!"

I turned away, hiding a smile. I tried to pull it off as walking away to catch up with Alex, but I don't think it worked.
Still Beatrice's POV:

The librarian had said we should give Alex some time to rest, and I didn't complain. I think he needed it, as I swear I just heard him muttering about tomatoes.

In the meantime, Zac pulled the librarian to the side to ask him if he knew anything about what an EnderChild is.

He seemed to consider it for a long time, before dragging both me and Zac outside.

"Let me tell you a story" He said, once we were comfortably seated underneath an oak tree. The sun had well risen up into the sky by now, and it was shining merrily above us.

"Wait- a story?" Zac interrupted. "We need facts"

"Stories ring with truths" The librarian said plainly.

Zac sighed and waved for the librarian to continue. Typical Zac.

I was listening intently. I mean, this is the only guy in the whole village who doesn't look at me like I'm a freak. In fact, he looks at me in wonder and amazement.

"The term EnderChild is actually from The book; Broken brothers, By ShadowLykos" The librarian started.

" I love that book!! I read it on whattpad all the time!" Zac exclaimed.

"Have you read it? you should totally check it out!!" I exclaim to no one in particular.

Wait, what? I shake my head? What did I just say? Whats Wattpad?

Zac has the same look on his face.

The librarian cleared his throat, And started his story for the second time.

"The proper term is actually just Ender, But as us humans called Endermen and the Ender Dragon what we did, Ender Didn't seem right for something second of power"

"Second of power?" I echo.

"Yes, and this is why the term EnderChild is appropriate; you are the children of the Ender Dragon."

"Wait, how is that possible?" Zac interrupted.

"You see, Beatrice here did have a life before she became and EnderChild. It was then when the Ender Dragon Chose her."

"Chose her?"

"Yes, in other words, given her the power of ender. We don't know how, as no one can remember anything about their life before, after being chosen. But you must have been chosen for a reason." The librarian finished.

"Anyway, back to the story. Have you heard of the legend of Herobrine?"

Both Zac and I nod intently.

"He was very powerful. He had an army of monsters at his hands. He could destroys souls with a single glance. He had power over everything, everything But the ender Realm, or the End, as you two would know it... "

"But the power of ender was stronger, and it drove Herobrine away. But It didn't keep him back forever. Soon Herobrine was much stronger then before, and hungry for more power..."

".... So the Ender Dragon sent Endermen up to the surface, to create EnderChildren, who alone would have the power to defeat Herobrine...."

"... And they succeeded. Herobrine fled, but its said that he is waiting for his revenge."

An eerie silence hung in the air after the explanation.

"Wait, you said EnderChildren; does that means there is more than just me?!"

A flicker of hope sparks inside of me; I might not be alone!!!

The librarian sighed.
"According to the legend, Herobrine has been hunting down EnderChildren. Apparently he warped their minds, possessed them, and tricked them into thinking that he was their god. He changed them into evil, power wielding monsters, who will follow his every order."

My heart drops. Its a fate worse than death. The air suddenly feels cold and clammy, and I shiver. Is that what happened to my kind? Is that whats going to happen to me?

My worry and despair must have shown in my expressions, as Zac comfortably put his arms around me

The librarian clears his throat, trying to break the silence.
" I thought all of The EnderChildren were gone, or taken by Herobrine, but I was wrong. You are the last EnderChild"

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