The Ender dragon

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Alex's POV:

I open my eyes.

I can barely make out the shape of a roof above me; I am too tired to really register where I am. Ugghh, I hate mornings.

Eventually, as the terrible realisation that I have to get up kicks in, I try to push myself up.

A searing pain shocks through my body and I gasp, gritting my teeth to stop myself from screaming. It hurts, oh Dear Notch it hurts.

Suddenly it all comes back; I got shot by a skeleton with a poison arrow whilst trying to survive a strategically planned attack involving hundreds of monsters trying to eat my flesh.

Well, that's one sentence I thought I would never hear myself say.

Trying to block out the pain, I pulled my covers away. I barely noticed that I was still wearing my hunting clothes; I was too focused on my leg.

What was a gash, is now a bruised, swollen gaping wound. I winced. I feel really sorry for myself.

Suddenly I hear a sniff beside me, and startled, I shift backwards so fast I bang my head against the wall.

"Gaaaahhhh!" I half scream, half cry, massaging my temple.

I look round to see Zac sitting on a chair next to my bed, crying with laughter.


Zac falls off the chair, clutching his chest, now falling into a fit of silent giggles.

After a while, I can't help it; I start laughing too, more at Zac than anything else. He is literally bright red and his cheeks are flushed. Wiping tears from his eyes, he gets to his feet, holding out his hand.

I take it, and with his help I limp out of bed and outside.

Beatrice's POV:

I leaned against the wooden exterior, fiddling with my hands.

It had been three days since Alex had been shot, and three days since Zac and I threw leaves at each other and pulled each other into the sea. I can't stop thinking about it, and the memory brings a smile to my face.

The librarian said that Alex should be waking up soon, so Zac had gone inside to check on him.

I however stayed outside. I didn't want to ruin Zac and Alex's 'Happy Reunion' . I wonder If Alex will even remember me. I mean, he did get shot just twenty minutes after we met, and who knows? The poison may have this weird effect on him, causing it to affect his memory, or something like that.

Hey, don't judge; I'm not a scientist.

Suddenly the door slams open and Alex, supported by Zac limps out. He doesn't notice me at first, as I was hiding in the shadows. Well, wouldn't you if everyone threw you dirty looks as they passed?

But Zac steered him towards me, and once noticing me, recognition flooded his face.

I smiled. I don't know why, but I guess it just feels good that Alex remembers me.

After we exchange polite greetings and conversation, we head of to what Zac and Alex call ' A market'

It turns out, a market is a busy, sweaty place where everyone tries to sell their produce. Its not really what I was expecting, to be honest.

I couldn't possibly see how anyone could find their way around because it was so busy, but Zac, still supporting Alex, determinedly weaved his way in and out of the crowd, before finding exactly what he was looking for.

It was a makeshift stall, with a sign reading : 'Wood'
Not very descriptive.

Zac buys some sticks, and ties them together to make something Alex could lean on to walk. It seemed to work, even though you could see in Alex's face it was still hurting.

"It will heal soon, don't worry" I say comfortably as I could manage, and Alex weakly smiles thanks.

Eventually, after we escaped the so called 'market' we walked down to the beach.

I was seriously tired. I swear I could just fall asleep on the sand, even though it was still the morning.

"So, What do we do?" Zac asked, staring at the waves lapping up the sand. He looked tired.

"What do you mean?" I ask, yawning. I think I knew what he meant, but I didn't think he cared that much.

"With you, silly! I say we just tie you to a pole and leave you there" Zac laughs, the air ringing with the sound.

I don't laugh; instead I'm thinking about Herobrine, and The other EnderChildren. What really happened to them?

Zac looks over at me. "whats wrong? You seem upset"

I sigh, and look at the sea. The waves crash down, then slowly pull back, before crashing down again. I wish life was that simple.

"I think I should do something about this. The Herobrine thing, I mean. If the legend is true, then he has to be stopped. I can only think of one way to get information though..." I say, trailing off.

"Are you saying..." Alex started.

"Yes" I interrupt. "I have to go see the Ender Dragon.

Silence follows these words, as we all just stare at the sea.

"I'm coming" Zac says confidently.

"Same" Echoes Alex.

Although I don't say it, I am extremely thankful. This is my fight, yet they are willing to risk their lives.

That's bravery.

Not fighting because you have to, and because its your destiny, like me.

No, bravery is what Zac and Alex are doing. Willing to risk everything, for the greater good. They have a choice to back away, yet they don't.

It's then that I realise that I am being brave myself, in a way. I could give up and let Herobrine take me.

But I won't.

I will never stop fighting.

I won't stop until I have my revenge on my fallow fallen EnderChildren.

And Herobrine better watch out.

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