The Land of Ender

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Zacs POV:

I think I'm in love.

I know it sounds crazy, bizarre even. Completely unexpected.

But I guess that's what love is. It strikes at any opportunity, catches you by surprise, and knocks you off your feet. It doesn't care about who it is, or why. It just happens.

And it takes over your emotions. It drills crazy and irrational thoughts into your mind.

Yes, I think I'm in love. In love with Beatrice.

It's only been about a week and a bit that I've known her, but I still find myself wanting to be with her all the time.

When I look at her, I don't look at her like she's a kicked puppy, burdened with a destiny in which she has no choice but to embrace. I don't see what others must see. (Especially Alex; he has to be the densest guy I know)

Instead I see a girl, who is willing to fight for whats right, no matter the cost. She is selfless. She is brave. She won't give up.

She knows what she wants. And she will fight for it. She does have a destiny, and instead of hiding from it, she wears it like a banner of pride. To her, it's all she's got; the only thing she can rely on in this world of dishonesty.

I love her, I really do. I can't stop thinking about her. I know it sounds cliche, but I don't care.

She is powerful. She is fearless. She is deadly smart, and she can fight her own fights.

She doesn't need me. And that's what scares me. Not the fact that she is constantly risking her life, or that she has a creepy sadistic Herobrine after her or anything. No, that doesn't scare me, because I know Beatrice is strong enough to look after herself.

What scares me is that, to her, I am just a friend. She doesn't love me.

But I still love her. And I think I always will.
Alex's POV:

Even though my leg is still badly injured, I volunteered to go to the End with Beatrice and Zac.

I mean, I wasn't just going to leave them after going through all this.
Well, OK. It's only been ten days, but still! A lot can happen.
You see, there are some things you can't go through together without ending up as friends, and being shot in the leg with a poisoned arrow is one of them.

After we had all agreed on what we were doing, (as in what we were taking to the end and stuff,) Beatrice left mumbling something about food and Zac and I were left sitting on the beach. He looked deep in thought, so I thought it best not to disturb him.

Instead I stared at the crashing waves, and started thinking too. What would happen when we got to the End anyways? Does
The ender Dragon like guests? Does it even talk? Won't it just kill us?

You know, I'm starting to think that going to another dimension where a hostile giant dragon lives with its army of Endermen, isn't such a good idea.

But then again, thinking isn't my strong point.

What do you thinks gonna happen next? Does Beatrice love Zac? Is the Ender dragon good?

yesh, that sounds like a cliche radio jingle!

Dragonlover921 over and out!!

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