Preparing for the End

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Beatrice's POV:

I am going to The End. I am going to see my creator. I might be able to stop this Herobrine mess once a for all.

Am I scared? Duh. Dragon. Scary.
Am I beside myself with anxiousness? Entirely.

Yet I am still going. YOLO, right?

That afternoon I went to the blacksmith, the gravel paths crunching beneath my feet. I mean, we couldn't just go without protection could we? You know, just in case The Ender Dragon turns out to be a sadistic Maniac or something like that.

Zac told me that The blacksmith is an OK guy, and has reasonably cheap deals, so I had no problem volunteering to get armour.

When he heard me walk in, he looked up and smiled.

"I've been waiting to meet you!" He smiled happily. His voice was sickly and cherry- way too happy for my liking.

"You have?" I say in surprise. Everyone in this village seems to want to get as far away from me as possible. I think it might have something to do with my creepy ethereal eyes. Yeah, that must be it.

"Of course! You are a hero in the making! A leader to be! The worlds only hope!" His face lights up with every word he spoke. Dear Notch, does this man ever stop smiling?! I swear, it must be some sort disease or something.

Ignoring his last comment, I walk up to the counter.

"Three Sets of iron armour" I didn't bother to be polite. This happy-go-lucky guy was starting to get on my nerves. He just smiled anyway.

"Coming right up!"

He hobbled out from behind the counter and bounced up to where Iron armour was displayed on the wall. Yesh, for a middle-aged man he was really spritely. Unhooking each piece, he thrust the Heavy pieces of armour into my arms.

"I'm extremely sorry my dear, but this is the only iron I have in stock!" He didn't look sorry at all. His face was basically exploding with happiness.

Seriously. I want to punch this guy. He is way too happy. Seriously.

"Um, okay? Well, can you get some more made soon, as in, really soon?"

He nodded, grinning. He still kept staring at me.

"What" I say through gritted teeth. What the nether is wrong with this guy?

I could tell by the way his eyes lit up that he had wanted me to ask that.

"Well you see my dear, I have been working on a little something!!"

"Really?" I say, with mock curiosity.

He nodded so vigorously that I swear his head would fall off. He didn't seem to catch my sarcasm.

"Follow me!" He cried, before skipping towards the counter.

I groaned. I am going to kill Zac. Why did he get me into this? Dropping the Armour to the ground with a loud clang, I followed the blacksmith. He led me through a door, and then down a flight of stairs. He was bouncing with glee the whole way.

Opening the another door, he gestured to me.

"After you!"

I walked in, and gazed around. This must be where he makes the armour. It's a reasonably large room. There is several anvils, all slightly dented. The room is dimly lit, and I have to strain to see properly. All sorts of tools lie against walls, or hang in racks.

On the far wall, there is about eight or nine armour stands, all holding different armour. Diamond, leather, chain, and gold. There was no iron armour, but then again, he said he had run out.

The other stands held armour I had never seen before. Emerald, stone, redstone, and quartz. I didn't even know it was possible to make armour out of those materials.

The blacksmith smiled even more when he saw my amazed reaction( if it even is possible to smile anymore than he already is) and stood beside me.

"Any material you have, I can make armour out of it!"

"Really? even wood? Or netherack? Or even coal?!!" I couldn't help my curiosity.

"Yes, but that was not what I wanted to show you. Come over here." He gestured to the wall to our right. He pulled down hard in a lever that was on the wall, opening a door. I stepped through.

There was a reasonably sized room, lit up by the light poring through a skylight in the ceiling. And in the middle was an armour stand.

I gasped as I saw the armour hanging on it.

It was obsidian.

And It was magnificent.

I stumbled over to it, entranced. Every corner, every curve was precise and exact, and every piece fitted perfectly together.

"It's beautiful" I murmured, running my hands down the side.

"And it's yours. I have something for Alex too, to support his leg." His voice wasn't as sickly anymore, just filled with happiness and generosity.

I gasped. Mine?

"I made it to perfectly fit your body- you and no one else."

"Really? thank you so much! I don't know if I have enough emeralds b-" however the blacksmith cut me off.

"It's yours for free. No questions."
He smiled a sad smile.
" You need to see the ender dragon, and you need to destroy Herobrine. Please, for us. For everyone."

I turned around. I didn't realise so many people relied on me.
" I will try my hardest" is all I manage to say.

"That is more than anyone else has ever promised. Good luck. We are all behind you." He answers, opening the door.

As I turn to leave, he puts his hand on my shoulder.

"You have good friends. They are important. Oh, and Beatrice? Never forget what you are fighting for" And with that he pats me on the back and closes the door, leaving me standing alone outside, completely confused.

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