Herobrines Revenge

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Zacs POV:

After the librarian had told us all he knew about EnderChildren, we thanked him and started walking.

We were going no where in particular, but I knew that Beatrice wasn't comfortable in the village with everyone staring her down. Besides, she seemed pretty upset about her being the last one of whatever the nether she is, so I figured she would like some time to think.

I looked sideways at her. She was looking at the ground, kicking pebbles with her boots. Every so often she would stop, pick up a pebble, and throw it as far as she could, her face lit up with fury. Then should would look down again, her tense figure suddenly drooping, all fury replaced with fear and sorrow.

Her hair was draped over her shoulder and was blocking her face from view. She really was beautiful. She held her hands and her side, sometimes stiff and then suddenly lose. I figured she was fiddling, just trying to distract herself.

As if she sensed me staring, she looked up.

"What" she said plainly.

"Well, it depends." I said, pretending to ponder.
"It could be that your so stunningly attractive, or, I dunno, your gorgeously hot, or maybe your immense beauty or something like that."

She smiles shyly, and looks back at the ground. We start walking again, beneath the towering autumn trees, their leaves gently floating to the ground.

"There's the smile!" I exclaim happily, patting her on the back.

She shoves me, hiding her smile.

I laugh and shove her back, but she stumbles and falls to the ground.

"Oh Dear Notch, Are you OK?!!" I jump to the ground to help her up.

Slowly she lifts her head, and I see a smile forming on her lips.

"Oh it's on pretty boy!" She laughs. Next thing I know she shoves a pile of fallen leaves in my face.

I stumble back, laughing.
"Shouldn't done that!"

I quickly gather leaves from the ground, crunching them in my hand. She squeals and tries to duck, but I throw the leaves too quickly for her, and they go everywhere.

She attacks back, dumping a whole pile of leaves on my head when I duck down to get more.

Then she squeals and runs away before I can react.

Shaking my head and laughing, I leap up and run after her. I'm much faster, and soon we are side by side.

She tries to shove me out the way, but I'm too kick. I duck, then rugby tackle her around the waist and hoist her in the air. We are both screaming with laughter now, as I carry her down to the beach, which is right next to us.

Realising my intention, she pounds on my back and struggles, but I can't be stopped. I walk right up to the shore, and throw her in the water.

She leaps up, soaked through, then grabs me by the waist and pulls me in. Soon we are both tired, dizzy with laughter and extremely wet.

We crawl to the sand, and lie down, side by side. We are both still laughing.

Eventually our laughs die down, and we just lie in silence. I look sideways at her, and she looks back. We both burst into a fit of silent giggles for no reason.

10 minute later, after we finally stopped laughing, we started walking back to the village.




This last question catches me by surprise.

"Wad'ya mean? Why what?"

"Why don't you look at me like I'm a freak? Why don't you stare me down?" She wasn't smiling anymore. She looked serious.
"I mean, why aren't you scared of me? Why do you treat me like normal?"

We had reached the edge of the village now, and Beatrice turned round to look at me.
"Why do you even talk to me? why do you act like I'm a real person? Wh-"

I cut her off.

"Because you are a real person. You're not a freak. You're dead smart. You treat everyone with respect even when they don't deserve it. You don't deserve to be treated like dirt"

She looks at me in wonder.
"Thanks" she saids, before giving an embarrassed smile. Then checks red, she hurries of inside the village, her head facing towards the ground.

"Because I think I love you" I say quietly, the ghost of her hand still in mine. But I know she's too far away to hear.

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