Part 1

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I was walking away from my house after I caught my boyfriend cheating on me with my best friend Lauren. What a backstabbing bitch.
I was coming back from my parents house when I parked in the drive way and I saw Lauren's car already there. I didn't think much of it because I thought she was waiting for me. I unlock my door and instantly heard moaning. I was pissed off was my best friend for 10 years fucking my boyfriend of 3 years. I drop my stuff and walk up to our room. I barge in the room only to see my naked best friend and boyfriend.
Play song⚠️
Y/n: what the hell
Lauren: it's not what it looks like
Quinton: b-baby you weren't suppose to see this
Y/n: so you were fucking her all the 3 years huh.... answer me bitch
Quinton: yes I did
Y/n: I'm so glad I didn't lose my virginity to your dumbass
Lauren: I'm glad you caught us because you knew I liked him but claimed you liked him but he fell to you first but after a month of dating you he kissed me and we have been dating behind your back
Y/n: you know what FUCK YOU BOTH

I walk down the stairs and grab my phone and AirPods. I start walking down the street. I was crying because how could she do this after everything we did for each other I never expected her to do this to me. My eyes are red and puffy but I didn't care. I was walking for 2 minutes and I don't know where I am at this point. I don't care where I am I just want to leave. I look down at my phone and see 8 missed calls from baby💘 10 messages from baby💘. I didn't answer him I kept walking and kept getting calls from them so I stop walking and at the edge of the road I throw my phone. I see a black van stop making the tire step on my broken phone. The door swings open and 2 people with mask grab my arm and pull me inside. They put a blindfold over my eyes so I couldn't see anything.

??: do you think he will like her
??: maybe but we know what happens when she doesn't listen
Y/n: a-are you g-going to h-hurt me

I jump and start to cry more. I just wanted to know if the people were going to hurt me. Now I know my answer they are.

??: why are you crying
??: bro you can't be nice to her
Y/n: I'm crying because I'm scared and I don't know if your going to hurt me
??: that's to be determined

I stay quiet because I don't them to do anything to me hint hint rape. I was quiet till the van stops and the door swings open.

Y/n: where am I going and where are we
??: just shut the fuck up already
Y/n: I-I'm s-sorry
??: can you stop fucking stuttering
Y/n: sorry
??: stop saying sorry to
Y/n: sorry I mumble
??: what the fuck you said

He grabs my wrist really hard to for sure leave a bruise. I start crying because he is hurting me. I just simple say nothing because I didn't want this guy to hurt me more. We walk up some steps and the door opens. I hear talking and I accidentally trip and fall.

??: get the fuck up

I was dragged up by this mean person just because I accidentally trip and fall because I don't know where I am or at. Another door opens and we walk down some stairs and get seated in a chair. They start to tie me up making sure I don't escape. I hear a lot of footsteps coming. I could hear someone come to me so I start to tense up and they just take my blindfold off. I see a lot of boys. There was a tall handsome guy with black soft hair, a short cute boy with also soft black hair, a mid size boy with tan skin and curly black hair, I see a short boy with a baby face and short black hair, I see a tall black guy with braids in his hair.

??: do you like her

I instantly start to cry by this mid size guys voice

??: stop crying omg it's not that hard
Y/n: I'm sorry
??: let me shoot her please
??: she's scared why scare her more
??: kairi really
??: Alejandro shoot the wall
Alejandro: thank you.

He shoots the wall making me scream and cry more

Kairi: ok stop now Alejandro
Alejandro: fine
??: what do we do with her
??: Alvaro your smart talk to her
Alvaro: what if she doesn't talk them all of us will talk to her

This Alvaro guy comes to me and i tense up making him bend over to my level.

Alvaro: hi I'm Alvaro I'm sorry about the van thing I was in the passenger seat

I don't say anything and turn my head to where I'm looking at the wall. Then this kairi guy comes to me

Kairi: hi I'm kairi I'm the one who is trying my best to not make you scared

I look at him then back at the wall. And mouth sorry then this Alejandro guy comes and I automatic tense up more and start to cry

Alejandro: hey I'm Alejandro sorry about earlier I had to to do that.
Y/n: so your telling me to shut the fuck up and to shoot me is I'm sorry I had to do that. I mumble
Alejandro: I'm sorry tho

I just let my eyes cry. Then this dark skin guy comes and trips

Y/n: omg are you ok. Are you hurt. Does anything you know hurt
Roshaun: hi I'm roshaun and yes I'm ok I did that so you could laugh at least
Y/n: no sorry when someone gets hurt I like to make sure they are ok
Roshaun: I'm sorry about earlier
Y/n: no it's ok I really wanted to leave and thanks for breaking my phone so those cheating duo don't talk to me again
Roshaun: may I ask who
Y/n: my boyfriend cheated on me the whole relationship with my best friend and I would never thought she would do that to me. I walked in them fucking so I grabbed my phone and AirPods and left.
Roshaun: can I tell you a secret
Y/n: yes
Roshaun: your my new bestie
Y/n: really
Roshaun: yes ok I have to go back now

I'm glad I made a new friend already. He was the nicest out of them all. I guess I have a new bestie. Then this tall olive skin boy comes to me

Mattia:everyone leave NOW

I flinch at him screaming.

Mattia: I'm mattia and I need you to tell me do you know these people

He shows me josh, nessa, and my ex boyfriend Quinton. I nod my head and start to tear up

Mattia: perché piangi principessa?{ why are you crying princess}
Y/n: what does that mean
Mattia: why are you crying princess
Y/n: oh umm I know them and I don't know if your going to hurt me for knowing these people
Mattia: what's your relationship with them
Y/n: josh is my ex boyfriends best friend. Nessa is josh's girlfriend. Quinton is my ex boyfriend that cheated on me the whole time.
Mattia: Do you know they are in a gang
Y/n: n-no
Mattia: well thank you for the information I will be leaving now
Y/n: wait
Mattia: yes
Y/n: am I going to stay down here
Mattia: no when I come back you will be untied

I just nod my head and take a quick nap


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