Part 3

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Mattia takes me up to his room but shows me my room first. I walk inside his room and it was huge. I walk inside his bathroom. I decided to sit on the bathroom sink so I could reach his face because he is tall like 6'2 and I'm 5'3. He got the stuff out. I bring his face towards mine so I could clean it up

Play song⚠️

As I was cleaning his lip I noticed a cut on his cheek and clean that off so I could put hydrogen Stuff. He kept moving

Y/n: can you please stay still
Mattia: it burns
Y/n: that means it's cleaning the bacteria off

As I was cleaning it I come closer to him so I could get him while he was moving backwards.

Y/n: all done

I hope off the sink and touch mattias stomach making him groan. I look up at him and he moves his head so I wouldn't see his pain. I gently move my hands across his abs to see where he was hurting at and when I got to the side I feel him move back. I carefully move his shirt to see a cut on his side and in the middle of his abs. I look up at him and we made eye contact with each other he was scary.

Y/n: may I clean these
Mattia: yea I guess since you already saw it

I made him take off his shirt so I could have easy access to it. As I was cleaning it I could feel mattia staring at my actions. I put a bandage on his cuts and look up at him. We looked at each other and next minute I know mattia leans into my face making our lips touch. His lips were a soft feeling. He was going slow which made the kiss more passionate and enjoying. He was a awesome kisser tho. At that moment I realized that mattia had a whole girlfriend so I stop and pull away

Y/n: I-I'm sorry mattia but you have a whole girl
Mattia: I already know she is cheating on me that's why I'm going to kill her right now
Y/n: w-what h-how d-do y-you k-know
Mattia: princess I have eyes everywhere
Y/n: ok but the kiss it's wrong
Mattia: tell me to stop and I'll stop

Mattia starts to kiss my neck. He picks me up putting me on the bathroom sink. He grips my ass making me moan. He starts to kiss me. He licks my bottom lip asking for permission but I deny. He ask again and I deny. He slaps my ass making my wimpier and moan at the same time. He slips his tongue in my mouth. He breaks the kiss and goes down my neck making small hickeys. He found my sweet spot making me moan lightly.

Y/n: m-mattia
Mattia: mm
Y/n: can you stop now
Mattia: why mamas
Y/n: because umm I have to finish unpacking everything I have
Mattia: everything is already unpacked
Y/n: umm maybe I should just leave

I try to get up but mattia slams me into the wall making me wimpier. He puts his hand around my neck and the other next to my head.

Mattia: your not going anywhere
Y/n: why mattia i just wanna go to bed
Mattia: see mamas I know your scared of me and I know you are a soft innocent girl
Y/n: can you please let go
Mattia: sorry mamas I can't do that
Y/n: why

He slams me into the wall harder making me cry from the pain he was giving me. He realizes what he did to me and let go.

Y/n: it's fine
Mattia: no it's not let me see

He turns me around so my back is facing him. He lifts up my shirt lightly and runs his finger down my spine. It sent chills when he touched my spine. He got to the top of my back and I whined from the bruises he made.

Mattia pov:
Y/n is this soft innocent girl. She doesn't like to be yelled at and if she isn't comfortable she will tell you to stop but at a soft tone. I'm trying my best to be gentle to her but it's hard. I hit her back really hard against the wall making bruises.

Y/n: is it bad
Mattia: no it's not bad

I lied it was red and a little bit of purple but I didn't want to make her scared or anything. Damm this girl is making me soft. Cynthia cheated on me I'm going to kill her ass.

Mattia: uhh y/n
Y/n: yes mattia
Mattia: I have to handle some business can you stay in my room
Y/n: ummm ok
Mattia: if you want you can lay on my bed I don't mind

She gives me a small soft smile. I get out the room and walk downstairs. I see everyone is looking at me

Mattia: what you fucks
Kairi: nun you just seem off
Alejandro: yea you are always on top of your game
Mattia: well I'm going to kill c
Celia: you can't kill me I'm kairis girlfriend
Mattia: I'm leaving bye

I walk out the door and get inside my red Lamborghini. I drive to the club where Cynthia was. I park my car and go inside. I see her making out with some random guy. I walk towards them.

Cynthia: omg hi babe
Mattia: don't babe me
??: I'm just going to go she told me she was single I had no idea
Mattia: I'm not here for you I'm here for her
Cynthia: why are you here
Mattia: why are you here
Cynthia: I asked first 
Mattia: look on my face do I give 2 fucks cuz last time I checked I didn't
Cynthia: can we just talk about this

I don't want to talk about this now I wanted her dead now. I took out my gun and aim for her head. I hear everyone screaming and running to find the exit.

Cynthia: please I-I didn't mean to
Mattia: your a whore so you did mean to

I shot her in her head causing her body to fall. I take her body and go to the dumbster to dispose her body. I set it on fire and get in my car and drive off


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