Part 24

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I wake up having the urge to throw up. I start running to the bathroom and throw up. I feel mattia lift my hair out of my face. I feel him rub my back while I throw up.

Y/n: fuck
Mattia: you ok
Y/n: does it look like I'm o-

I was cut off by throwing up. I finish throwing up and get up. I brush my teeth so the vomit wouldn't make my mouth stank. I lay back in bed and start to have a headache.

Mattia: are you ok do you need anything
Y/n: just shut up please
Mattia: what the fuck are you good
Y/n: sorry babe i just have a headache

Mattia comes to me and kiss my head making me smile. I go downstairs and sit next to Katie. She had mike next to her. He has been more calm with everyone which was good. I see mattia look at me weird but I ignore it. I had to throw up again. I run to the bathroom and see mattia follow me. I throw up and wipe my mouth. I sit back down and see the others look at me.

Alo: you good
Y/n: yea I'm good why
Ale: I don't know you just ran to the bathroom throwing up
Mattia: oh yea she threw up this morning
Y/n: can you not yell damm
Katie: sorry and boys watch mike for us
Ros: anything for my nephew

Katie drags me inside the car. We get to cvs and go down the medical isle. I see Katie look at pregnancy test.

Y/n: are you pregnant again
Katie: what bitch no this is for you
Y/n: umm im not pregnant
Katie: did he pull out
Y/n: yea after he cummed
Katie: see ale did the same thing and are you on the pill
Y/n: I don't take the pill
Katie:aww shit you pregnant
Y/n: Katie shut up and buy the test

Katie goes to the check out and the women looked at us disgusting. I was about to say something but Katie covered my mouth. After we buy the stuff and head out but I turn around so I could tell the lady something.

Y/n: bitch give me a dirty look and I will have my boyfriend shoot you dead and oh I'm a 20 year old lady I'm pretty sure I can have a kid.

And with that I walk out. (Pretend y'all graduated high school). I went inside the car and Katie is just laughing at me.

Y/n: what
Katie: you are so mean
Y/n: nah the bitch wanted to give me dirty looks so I gave her a dirty answer
Katie: I love you bitch
Y/n: love you too whore

Play song⚠️

I start the car and drive home. I get home and see mike and the boys playing. After we left the hospital mike has been liking everyone. Me and Katie went to the bathroom and took the test out. I took a deep breath and pee on the test. I finish my business and wait for it to say I'm pregnant or not.

Katie: I hope you are bitch
Y/n: no I'm scared
Katie: don't worry our kids can be best friends
Y/n: yea no
Katie: what ever

I laugh. After 5 minutes I look at the test it said....

So close

But yet so far

A little bit more


I start to cry. I can't believe I'm pregnant. Katie snatches the test from me and start to jump up and down. I laugh and hug her. We walk out the bathroom and hold mike. He plays with my hair while I tickle him.

Y/n: hi lil Mikey your gonna have a friend to play with
Y/n: surprise I'm pregnant

Mattia comes and picks me up. He starts to kiss my face all over making me laugh.

Mattia: I love you princess
Y/n: I love you too

He kiss me one more time on the lips before putting me down. I have a ultra sound tomorrow so I get to see what my baby looks like. We play with mike.

Y/n: I wonder what the baby will be
Mattia: I hope it's a girl so I can have 2 princesses
Y/n: but what if it is a boy
Mattia: I'll have my prince
Katie: y'all are going to have such cute ass kids
Alo,ros: we have some news
Kai: what is it
Alo,ros: we want you guys to meet our girlfriends
Kai: sweet mine is coming tomorrow
Ros: babe come here
??: coming
Alo: bae come here
??: coming

I look at the girls and let me tell you they were pretty. I was getting a lil insecure of how they had suck clear skin. I give them a hug

??: you must be roshauns bestie
Y/n: yes I'm y/n
??: I'm Cindy cane
Y/n: hi Cindy nice to meet you finally
??: hi I'm Lacey Hall
Y/n: hi Lacey nice to meet you
Katie:omg we all have to be best friends
Cindy: duhh what makes you think we aren't
Lacey: come on let's take mike
Katie: how do you know about mike
Lacey: I follow you and alo told me
Y/n: loud mouth ass bitch
Alo: sorry mom

I laugh and we all go to my room. We sit down and we instantly start bonding. I told them I was pregnant and they were so happy for me. Cindy was pregnant but found out yesterday and Lacey is 2 weeks pregnant. I didn't realize but all our baby's are going to be close. Lacey is having 1 and so is Cindy. I want to meet kai's new girl. We all have a sleepover. Lacey and Cindy share a room with alo and ros so they don't need rooms. We all watch movies and mike is sleeping in the middle of me and Katie while Cindy and Lacey are cuddled up on me and Katie.


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