
315 1 1

჻ship(s):boombox, roadrat, bap x lúcio

჻genre:angst, fluff

჻word count:1870

჻trigger warning(s):none!

⊱ ──── 《∘◦☹◦∘》 ──── ⊰

Based off the song 'As the World Caves in' by Matt Maltese

Please bare with me in this oneshot, I tried to write a bit differently for this one.

⊱ ──── 《∘◦☹◦∘》 ──── ⊰

My feet are aching
And your back is pretty tired
And we've drunk a couple bottles, babe
And set our grief aside

This particular friend group was made up of... Quite the diverse people, you could say. Whether it be how they were physically, mentally.. Or even with one another.

They were all quite close to one another, but... Sometimes little drama, or even misunderstood feelings could pop up every now and again between them.

Jamison Fawkes was a love interest for Lúcio. He felt such.. Strong and intense emotions for the other, and he couldn't form the courage to tell Jamison in time...

For when he was ready to spill his feelings to Jamie...? Jamie was taken far out of his reach.

He was happy for Jamie, of course!

Mako was a great person, and he made Jamison beyond happy, but...

Lúcio could feel himself break and crumble whenever he saw the two together.

If only he hadn't been so cowardly, it could've been him and Jamison holding hands, going on dates, sharing gentle kisses...

But, instead, he watched what could've been his reality play like a movie before him.

But.. He never said anything to Jamie. He didn't say anything to anyone.

He kept those feelings he ever had for Jamison to himself. Nobody knew he ever had feelings.

Or that he still did have those feelings. And everyday, his heart and his mind battled. They battled over whether those feelings should die or grow.

And it seemed, most of the time, that his heart would win...

And by winning, he meant it broke him to pieces with every hour he was awake...

And he could do nothing.

The Papers say it's doomsday
The button has been pressed
We're gonna nuke each other up boys
'Til old satan stands impressed

Maybe.. His brain would win for today.

Lúcio had been trying to distract himself from Jamie, the most he could at least.

He had met someone who... Made him the happiest he had been in forever.

Baptiste had been welcomed, with open arms, to the group of friends Lúcio had;his family. Everyone seemed more than fond of Baptiste, too. He fit right in.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 27, 2020 ⏰

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