Camilla Rose

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Camilla Rose has everything she ever wanted, a beautiful supportive family, a decent life style, being able to  attend her dream university which was Harvard to study law, something she achieved by working so hard. Camilla is the typical "good girl" or "nerd" who spends hours and hours studying and stressing and who doesn't have fun like a typical 21 year old. Camilla is a very beautiful girl which leads her being chased by many guys but she has no interest, she believes in a one true love and she knows she will find him but not now she's too busy with Harvard or that's what everyone thinks. Her best friend Jess believes that her love fantasy is ridiculous and believes that she should live a little which leads her trying to convince her that they should go somewhere totally new for the summer, to another country and be stress free. At first Camilla didn't like the idea but after seeing her best friend pout and whine she finally gave in. But now where to go ? Camilla had always dreamed about going to Brazil, mostly this summer since the world cup was going on, she's going to be rooting for team usa, her favorite soccer team since she was little. So Jess booked two flights to Brazil and both decided to stay there for a whole month, while Jess was excited for the beaches and the hot Brazilian guys, Camilla just wanted an escape from her broken heart to a exotic country where she could perphaps mend her broken heart.

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