Best friend wonders

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Mario's pov:

Once we arrived to the training camp, Löw told us to warm up immediately. Durm, Neuer, Matts and I decided to run together as a group meanwhile Marco decided to make a tour around the training camp.

"Is it bad that I find Camilla really pretty?" Durm said while blushing.

"Aw, rose cheeks has a little crush" said Neuer while laughing at him.

"No, I just find her pretty"

"But I saved her" I said with an angry tone. I didn't know why I was bothered by Erik's comment, but it made me mad.

"Dude calm down" Matts said while patting my back.

Throughout the warm up Erik and I just gave eachother glares, was he falling for her as well? I mean he didn't even talk to her, what an idiot.

Camilla's pov:

Jess and I got ready to head out and explore the city. A very beautiful city, nothing like Massachusetts where we came from. We really had no plans just to head out and walk around. Once we were at the streets all we can see was yellow, blue, and green every where since the first game of the world cup was tomorrow and Brazil was playing. We walked for about an hour non-stop and I was getting pretty exhausted.

"Hey can we take a little break my feet are killing me" I said while sitting down at the bench and drinking water.

"Yeah, I guess" Jess said with a worried tone and looking around with confusion on her face.

"Jess what's wrong?"

"Um, n..nothing"

"We are lost huh" I said while rubbing my feet.

"Maybe a tiny little bit, but hey stay here I'll go around the corner to see if I can find someone to help us and who speaks English" she said while walking away.

I just sat there looking around until I found a sign saying "Fifa World Cup training camp."

Marco's pov:

I decided to have a tour around the training camp,  I really didn't want to sit there on the bench watching my team mates practice, it killed me knowing that I should be there warming up, kicking the ball. After a while I started getting hungry, so I went up to the food court where there was only a Subway. I decided to go out and eat, I saw a little restaurant right outside the camp, I mean I could have a sandwich anyday back in Germany, I wanted to try Brazilian cuisine. Walking in these things wasn't easy, but I started getting the hang of it. Once I got out to the street I accidentally bumped into a girl who was walking backwards towards me.

"I'm soo so- , omg you're Marco Reus" said the blonde girl who was looking at me with happiness like she was happy to see me.

"Yup, that's me" I smiled at her.

"I thought you weren't in Brazil since I didn't see you last night at the hotel pool" she said to me.

"Huh, how do you know I wasn't at the pool?" I said with confusion. I was very confused like how she know I wasn't at the pool, and then I looked at her carefully and I recognized her as the girl Neuer was showing me and telling me about this morning.

"Wait is your name Jess?"

"Yes that's me" she said while smiling and blushing probably because she didn't think Neuer was going to be talking about her to the team.

"Um where's your friend?" I said while looking around hoping I could find her for Mario's sake.

"Um she's around the corner, we got lost so I'm looking around for help."

"Camilla is her name right?"


"Hey um can you do me a favor well actually it's for my best friend."

"Mario?" She said smiling

"Yes" I said

"Of course!"

"Can you and your friend meet me at the restaurant across the street in like 30 minutes I need to go get someone" I said smiling.

"We'll be there"


Hi guys here's another update,  I go back to school on Monday sadly :( so I won't be able to update as much, also finals are coming up but I'll try my best.

Thanks for reading I really appreciate it.

Dana x



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