Broken Hearts

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Camilla's pov:

I woke up this morning with a huge smile on my face, obviously forgetting about the fact that I almost died, but I didn't because he saved me and he's the reason behind my smile.

"What are you smiling about?" Jess said as she was waking up.

"Um.. nothing I dreamed about something nice that's it" I said hoping she would believe me because I don't want her thinking I have a crush on a football player, I mean come on that's pathetic.

"Hmm, is that good dream perhaps about a super Mario?"

"Um" I stuttered while looking down because I was blushing.

"It's okay, I mean I had a dream about Neuer,  it wasn't a cute one though more like a hot one" Jess said while winking and smiling.

"Ew gross"

"But I'm serious Camilla you should go find him, and talk to him" Jess said with a serious tone.

"For what?"

"Obviously you have a crush on him,  you find him attractive, he did save you, and also I saw the way he looked at you Camilla, he's into you" my best friend said while smiling at me.

"On what world do you live in Jess, I mean let's be realistic he's a football player, all football players go out with flawless skinny super models, have you seen his girlfriend !? She is a model with perfect skin, perfect face, long legs. I'm just an ordinary girl, who not worth it, he did all that for sympathy that's it. Have you seen me I'm so.."

"Shut up Camilla don't put yourself down, first of all Mario is single he broke up with his girlfriend like a month ago because he found out she cheated on him with Cristiano Ronaldo. Second you are soo beautiful Camilla, just because that jerk told you all those awful things doesn't mean you are all that. Any guy would kill to be with you, just because Tyler cheated on you with your sister doesn't mean you have to live like this for the rest of your life, he's a douche that let a beautiful girl go, you need to get over it he's not worth it, you're worth it. And Mario, I saw the way he looked at you, give it a try. He seems like a sweet guy, a family oriented type, who seems like he wouldn't hurt a fly." Jess said while pulling me into a hug.

"But that's how it started with Tyler, and look he cheated on me with my own sister" I said while sobbing in her arms.

"It's okay babe, Mario isn't that type of guy. But hey its beautiful outside lets go out and enjoy that's why we are in Brazil right?" She said while wiping my tears.

"Right" I said half smiling.

Mario's pov:

Last night when I went back to the hotel room, I wanted to tell Marco about her. But he was in his bed snoring already. I decided to wait until the morning.

The whole team was meeting downstairs at 8am to get breakfast and then head out to the training camp to prepare ourselves for the first game of the world cup. And it's verses Portugal, just my luck. I really didn't want to be in the place or even on the same field with him. It has been a month since I found out that Ann-Kathrin was cheating on me for 5 months with Ronaldo. There was a gala a month ago sponsored by FIFA where every team participating in the World Cup went, it was being held in Paris. Ann-Kathrin and I had been together for almost 3 years and I decided to propose that same night of the gala, even though Marco wasn't okay with it. She was my date for the gala, and we were just going around the room which was full with other football players with their wife's and girlfriend's. I couldn't stop smiling, that night I was going to ask the woman I loved to me my wife. All of a sudden Ann-Kathrin and I bumped into Ronaldo, I gave him a hand shake and presented him to my girlfriend Ann-Kathrin to him, I saw him do his famous smirk and said "my pleasure". I saw how she tensed up, and blushed. I got a little jealous but I didn't say anything. Then she excused herself to go to the restroom, I just nodded. I was alone walking around greeting other players for about 10 minutes, I started getting worried so I decided to look for her I went inside this long hallway going towards the restroom but I heard a laughter I recognize easily, Ann-Kathrin's in a room next to the restroom. I went up to the door to see what she was doing but then I heard a males voice say "Ann when are you leaving him, darling I missed you" "After the World Cup babe don't worry, I know we have been sneaking around for 5 months but it's soon going to be over soon and we'll be finally together". I felt my cheeks getting red with anger, and a warm salty tear on my cheek. When I opened the door I saw Ann-Kathrin, my Ann-Kathrin making out with Ronaldo. Both of them heard me and Ann started saying it's not what it looks like. All I managed to say was "you don't have to wait until the World Cup ends, because we are over" before I stormed off.

"Mario what are you thinking of, are you okay you seem off" said Marco who was sitting next to me on the bus on our way to the training camp.

"Yeah" was all I managed to say.

"I heard what happened last night Super Mario" he said with a cheesy smile and wiggly his eyebrows at me.

"You did?"

"Yeah I heard she was pretty too" my best friend said while bumping his shoulder on mine making me blush.

"Yeah really beautiful"

"Aww, my sweet cheeks is blushing" said Marco while pinching both of my cheeks.


"Okay, so what's her name?"


"Hm, she sounds pretty from what the other guys have told me"

I started getting a little jealous on the fact that the rest of the team thought she was pretty too, I mean she really is, but I was afraid they were all going to start to flirt with her. Either way I might not even see her again what are the odds.

"You got her number right" said Marco breaking my thoughts.


"Bro, really!?"

"Yeah" I said realizing that I could possibly not see her ever again.

"Mario it's time to move on, I know it's hard but be happy okay, we are in Brazil dude make the most of it, and I'm sure you'll find her again,  I want to meet the girl I'm going to be sharing your love with" my best friend said while making kissing noises. All I could do was smile at the thought.


Long update hope you guys liked it (: I'm sorry but I had to make Ann-Kathrin a bad person for the story dont hate me. I really think Ann-Kathrin and Mario are soo cute together,  and omg when they were celebrating after the world cup, that's goals right there.

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