Oh hello Brazil !

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A/N unedited.

Mario's pov:

This is it, I'm on the plane to Brazil to finally make my dream come true I'm finally going to the world cup and represent my country with pride I really hope I make them proud. I can already picture myself raising the cup and celebrate with all my teammates, the down fall is not having my best friend Marco live this dream with me but the good thing is that he's able to come to Brazil with us so he doesn't feel alone back in Germany and to be honest I need his support.

"Mario..Chipmunk Chipmunk wake the hell up we are arriving to Salvador in 10 minutes" Müller shouted causing me to wake up from my nap.

"You snore funny" Hummels muttered.

"You smell funny" I yell back at him.

"Oh yeah? At least I don't spend hours taking selfies like a girl for instagram and at the end not posting none" Hummels replied.

"You're just jealous you don't have a pretty face like me, Hummels I mean come on I'm irresistible" I shouted

"Naw bro I don't want a chipmunk face I rather have Neuer's and that going to the extreme" Hummels said while chuckling.

"Should I be offended?" Neuer said rather confused.

"Hummels really, why Neuer I'm way better looking" I said back.

"Guys shut the hell up and get ready we are about to land" Lahm yelled causing all of us to stop arguing. Phillip was always the peace maker of the team which is why we all call him papa Lahm causing him to get mad at us more.

"Attention, we are about to land in Salvador Brazil I hope you guys had a good flight and good luck to the German National team, because we all know Portugal is going to win this." The captain of the plane said laughing through the intercom. Which caused us all to boo and roll our eyes at the comment.

Finally we get off the plane and head to the bus that will take us to our hotel Le blur. I just stay in place letting the humid Brazilian air hit me and thats when reality hit me... "oh hello Brazil!"

Camilla's pov:

Jess and I have been on this plane for what it seemed forever, and it was getting quite uncomfortable mostly having your best friend sleeping on your shoulder but I don't mind.

I was then later awoken by the intercom.. "Attention passengers of flight 189 we are about to land in Salvador Brazil, so please stay in your seats, I hope you all enjoyed the flight and enjoy your time here in this beautiful city." The captain said.

"Jess wake up, we have arrived already." I said while shaking her for her to wake up.

"Hmm finally, I was uncomfortable" she said while fixing her long blonde hair.

"Yeah tell me about it." I mumbled back.

Finally we get off the plane and go outside the airport to get a taxi.

"Where to ladies?" The taxi driver asked us.

"Le blur hotel please." Jess repond.

I couldn't stop smiling while looking at the beautiful Brazilian city through the taxi window. "Hello Brazil."


Hi guys I hope you are enjoying the story, I'll try to update every night or every two nights if possible.

Starting next chapter it's where Camilla and Mario see eachother for the first time.

Also I really want to make Jess and one of the other players a couple but I dont know with who yet.

Please feel free to leave comments, thank you (:

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