I need to save her

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Camilla's pov:

Once Jess and I got into our hotel room I couldn't stop admiring the room. It was really big with two queen size beds, an enormous bathroom with a Jacuzzi, with a beautiful all white tile kitchen and not to mention the incredible view in front of us.

"I can't believe we are going to be living here for a month it's soo beautiful Jess." I said with excitement while I ran to the front porch and admire the moon and the stars, it was already really late. 

"I know it really is" Jess said while standing next to me looking at the beautiful scenery.

Then I heard a bunch of manly laughter and splashes coming from the pool below the porch.

"Let's play marco polo" I heard one say. Since we were on the 10th floor and it was dark I couldn't see their faces but I knew it was a bunch of guys messing around in the pool.

"Oh my god let's go down there and meet them" Jess yelled while pulling out her black bikini from her suitcase. 

"Jess, we just got here. Can we just rest I'm exhausted from the long plane ride plus it's late." I said while putting a pouting face trying to convince her.

"No Camilla, we are going to get ready and go down there and meet some guys... they sound pretty hot from here" she said while winking and giggling.

All I did was laugh at her. "Fine, but let's not stay too long okay." I said knowing that she would not take no for an answer.

When we opened the glass door going to the pool, I felt all eyes on Jess and I, and it made me uncomfortable. In front of us there were about at least 20 shirtless wet guys looking at us with confusion.

"Hi um can my friend and I get in the pool?" Jess asked while smiling showing off her pearl white teeth.

"Yeah sure" said a blonde tall guy smiling at her.

"Thanks" Jess said while taking off her beach dress and getting into the pool.

I felt like I have seen him somewhere, and that's when it hit me, it's Eric Durm Germany's defender. And I looked around and my jaw dropped I'm here with the guys from the German National team.

Mario's pov:

I was soo happy that I got to be room buddies with Marco and  Neuer, I knew that we were going to have a good time. The whole team agreed to meet up at the pool so we can relax and just hang out a bit before we get into business. I was kinda sad that Marco decided to stay in the room and rest since he said he was really exhausted, but I understood. 

After swimming around for a bit and playing Marco Polo, which caused a little play fight between Kroos and Basti I dont know why to be honest but it ended when papa Lahm came in between them both and smacked them both on the head and told them to stop acting like little girls.

All of a sudden the glass doors opened and in came two girls, that seemed to be around my age, a tall blonde one and a much shorter brunette one.

"Hi um can my friend and I get in the pool?" I heard the blonde one said.

"Yeah sure" answered Durm.

Even though the blonde one was basically stripping down in from of all of us I couldn't help but stare at the much shorter brunette one I can see her blushing a bit and I couldn't stop myself from smiling. I saw her from a distance sitting down alone at the very deep end of the pool. I was just there admiring the way how her long wavy brunette hair moved along with the breeze. I couldn't stop looking at her pale colored skin and her dark colored eyes that looked soo beautiful like the night sky, her lips look so kissable.

"Damn it Götze stop looking at her" I said in my mind. But I couldn't so I decided to get out of the pool before I go crazy with thinking about her and go to my room.

Camilla's pov:

After noticing who they were I decided to keep my distance because I felt uncomfortable being around these superstars.  So I decided to just sit really far away, meaning being at the very deep end where it was 7 feet deep, I was only 5'3 and to make things worse I don't know how to swim, so I just put my legs in. From here I could see Jess flirting with the goal keeper Neuer, I couldn't help but to giggle. Sometimes I wished I was as out going and flirty as her but oh well I guess. Then I saw one of the guys who I recognized as Mario Götze just looking at me for a long time so I just looked around and pretend I didn't see him, I saw him blush a bit which I found it really cute since he was actually my favorite from the team. I started getting really sleepy so I decided to go inside already and sleep I wanted to tell Jess but she was too far and occupied with the goal keeper so I didn't want to bother her.

As I stood up, I lost my balance and I just remembered screaming and Jess yelling "SOMEONE HELP HER SHE CANT SWIM SAVE HER"

Mario's pov:

As I started saying goodnight to the guys I was heading towards the brunette hair girl's direction, I saw her stood up but I saw her loose her balance and in she go in the water as she was screaming.Then I heard her friend yelling "SOMEONE HELP HER SHE CAN'T SWIM SAVE HER". At that moment I knew she was drowning and I had to jump in and save her.


This is a long chapter sorry guys, but I hope you are enjoying reading it.

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