My Super Mario

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Mario's pov:

Without really thinking I dived into the deep water, then I saw her fragile pale body floating, she wasn't moving at all. I swam until I could get a hold of her, I wrapped her much smaller body around my arm and swam up as fast as I could since I was afraid she wasn't breathing anymore. Once I was at the edge of the pool, Matts and Draxler grabbed her fragile body and pull her outside the pool onto the concrete floor. All the boys were gathered around her body and the blonde girl was crying into Neuer's arms.

Once I got out of the pool I rushed to her side and yelling at everyone to move.

"GOD DAMN IT MOVE" I yelled at Müller and pushed him out the way he was pressing his hands on her chest so she can wake up.

I don't know why but I felt like it was my responsibility to save her, to keep her safe.

I muted everyone around her and I, I was concentrating on waking her up to save her.

I had my hands on her chest and pressed firmly hoping it would work, then I gave her mouth to mouth. Then she opened her beautiful dark colored eyes and started coughing. I smiled as I carefully helped her sit up and asking if she was okay all she did was nod.

"Camilla omg you are okay you scared me" her blonde hair friend said as she got down and hugged her.

"Sorry I'm okay now" the brunette girl said while smiling at me.

"Thank you Mario for saving me" before I could respond she was hugging me tightly and all I could do is hug her back.

Camilla's pov:

All of a sudden I woke up coughing and gasping for air, and the first thing I saw was his beautiful face smiling down at me. He helped me sit up and asked if I was okay, I just nod. I was still shaken up on the fact that I almost died but I didn't because Mario saved me. I didn't even think about it I just went in and hugged him and said "Thank you Mario for saving me" and he hugged me back.

After a while the rest of the guys and Jess went on and do their own thing again since I was fine. Which only left me and Mario alone.

"Thank you again for saving me Mario" I blushed.

"You are welcome Camilla, isn't that your name?"

"Yes Camilla Rose, and you are my Super Mario"


Sorry guys this chapter really sucks I wrote in a rush, since I'm on vacations with limited internet access. I will make the next chapter or two with a maybe a little plot twist (:

Thank you soo much for reading, and happy late new years (:


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