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The feeling of cold attacked me. Loud noises and cars zoomed past my ears. My arms began to shake as I pushed myself of the ground. I have dirt all over body and then it hit me. I'm naked! Panick swelled through my body as I tried to shuffle into a dark corner. Where am I? How did I get here? ...what happened...? Tears pricked my eyes as my eyes attempted to flutter asleep. I snapped them open and let my eyes wonder the alleyway. There was a dumpster, some trash and litter and a couple of doors to what i assume are bars or shops. My head slumped to my shoulder and I could no longer keep my eyes open. I heard footsteps but I didnt have the energy to look at who they belonged to. I heard some people talking, one was verry high pitched and feminine and the other moody and dark. I heard a tut but it sounded like it came from a different person so I assumed there were 3 people there. The footsteps stopped... I heard chattering but couldnt make out what it said.  "....from UA.........dekus friends...........what is she.........out". I felt a jacket wrap around me and a strong warm pair of arms sweep me up. He smelled like ash and burnt marshmallows. I was so exhausted that I let the consciousness leave my body.

~~~~~~~~~~~~time skip~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Still URURAKA pov:

I awoke in a bed. It was soft but kind of scratchy at the same time. I felt cold air brush against my leg and sat up. I had a black long jacket on that covered up to my thighs. I didn't have any clothes under it though. I looked around and looked like I was in an abandoned apartment? On the bed there were some clothes in a neat pile. I assumed they were for me and threw them on. It was a pink and white hoody and some black leggings and some knee high black boots. Hesitantly, I left the room and noticed a stair case. I walked down the staircase and my heart stopped...

"EEEKK! shes awake! Hey...URURAKA I think it was...dekus friend right?" Toga squealed excitedly jumping up and down. A large man with purple scars across his face sat down next to her. They weren't burn scars but surgical ones...creepy... he put his hand on her shoulder and said "toga be quiet shigaraki will go into a tantrum if you awake him." She sighed and gasped. "Hehe! Sorry dabi! I'm just so excited to play with our new toy! "TOY?! EXCUSE ME BUT WHO DO YOU THINK YOUR CALLING A TOY?!?" Dabis eyes widened and he clenched his jaw and toga looked...proud? Dabi put his hand in front of him and slowly put down each finger like he was counting something down. When he had no fingers left I heard a slam and jumped. A thin man with blue hair stormed into the room. Omg...that's shigaraki...what do I do?! Why did they kidnap me?!
As shigaraki was about to angrily yell at the other 2 I quickly blurted out "WHY DID YOU KIDNAP ME?!" My face was scrunched up and I wasnt breathing out of fear. I heard a giggle and a rather sweet voice say "we didn't. We saved you." "Huh? Your villains why would you save a hero in training?! And I didnt need saving I was fine!" Shigaraki raised his eyebrows and moved his messy hair out of his face. "Fine? Really.... you were unconscious naked in a dark alleyway filled with villains, bruised all over you and you think you were fine?" Confusion seeped through me. I cant remember that....I cant remember much actually...
"The last thing I remember, I was tidying my dorm room when mineta offered me a drink. I didnt think much of it but...I cant remember anything else..." they all looked at eachother and sighed. Toga placed her hand on my shoulder. I flinched and looked her in the eyes. "Your ok now. I dont know what that pervert did to you but know we wont harm you." Shigaraki screamed in confusion and dabi looked at him and muttered something. It took a while but he shut up and slouched on a dirty wooden stool. Dabi sat beside him but kept glancing over at me and toga proactively. The small girl noticed and giggled and said "I'm fine! If she tried anything I'll just cut her!" I looked startled and tensed up. I could escape but I dont have enough energy right now...darn it...wheres deku? Where is everyone?! They'll save me...I hope.
The small girl with fangs snatched my hand and dragged me to a stool. She sat me down and began to mess with my hair. "Its such a mess....ooohh! Let me brush it!" I knew I didnt have much of a choice so I nodded and sighed. She leaned over the wooden bar and grabbed and brush. As she slid back to her seat she squealed. "OW!" Dabi looked over quickly and asked what happened. She pointed to a nail poking out of the bar and pointed at her hand. He sighed in relief but still looked distraught. He snatched a bandage and a wipe from the other side of the bar and grabbed her hand. He wiped away the blood that formed around her hand as she rolled her eyes. "I'm not fragile ya know dabi. I dont need protecting." He stared at her blankly and rolled his eyes. He wrapped a bandage around her small soft hand and said "yes you do. I'm not gonna let you get hurt." He perked up and screeched teasingly "oooh dabi you do care!" She pulled a pouty face and hugged him. He didnt move but wrapped one arm around her to make sure she didn't fall from the stool. She turned her attention back to me and said "ok...I need your blood."


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