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"I need your blood." Her voice was sweet and calm at the same time. "I thought you said you weren't going to hurt me?!"  I shrieked making shigaraki clench his jaw and rub his temples. Dabi rolled his eyes and placed a hand on the blue man's shoulder. A tint of pink coloured his face and he pouted.

"Calm down, sugar." She grabbed my hand and carefully dragged me to a sofa. It was yellow and had some springs pointing out and some holes. Her small hands were on my shoulders as she lead me to sit down. Toga sat beside me still holding on to my hand. As I noticed, I felt heat rush to my face and my eyes began to water. She noticed and her eyes widened.

"OMG! WHAT DID I DO?! WHY ARE YOU CRYING SUGAR?!" I felt soft hands rub the tears that i didn't even notice were running down my cheek as images flashed through my brain.


"What do you want mineta?" Tsuyu rolled her eyes and walked away towards momo and jiriou who were holding hands. Before she left she turned her head concerned for me and I gave her a reassuring smile and nod. "So sweet cheeks...want a drink?" Peering down I see a purple grape holding a glass of wine. I shrugged and snatched the glass from him. "I'm going to need more than this to have a conversation with you." I muttered under my breathe.

His eyebrows furrowed and a huge grin appeared across his face.

Time skip brought to you by perv grapes

The room began to sway and everything went quiet. Music blared into my ears and I grabbed my head. "Ugh my fucking head..." I heard a voice and someone grab my hand.

It felt like a child because I my back slouched as they dragged me away. I was pushed into a dark room and landed onto a bed. "Ith okay sweet cheeks. Hehe." I felt greasy hands began to take away my dress and I attempted to kick him away.

It was no use... my eyes began to fall over my eyes. I desperately tried to drag them open but soon darkness enveloped me. I felt sudden pain shoot across my body... everything went dark.

Present toga pov:

The small girl started sobbing...I don't know what to do so I frantically stand up and look over at Dabi and shiggy.

"GUYS WHAT DO I DO?" I screamed. They just looked at me confused. I sighed aggressively and carefully shuffled closer to the weeping mess. She still looks pretty when she! Instinctively,I wrapped my arms around her and pull her toward me. Her breathe hitched and she hesitantly joined the hug. I could feel her warm breathe against my neck as she dug her face into the crook of my neck. I placed my hand onto the back of her head and played with her hair. I could smell sweet smells of flowers and newly cut grass.

Weight suddenly fell onto my lap and I looked down to see her passed out on me. I felt a small giggle fall from my lips and ran my hand through her hair.

floating blood (Togaraka)Where stories live. Discover now