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Tsu pov:

I sat down at a bench outside of the dorms. I saw people from class 1a scattered around chatting. I was pretty lonely and wondered where ururaka had gone.

I was about to go ask aizawa when tokayami sat beside me. We were sitting awfully close, our thighs touching and I looked up at him with a small smile, sticking my tongue out.

"Hey asui." He said looking at me. We started chatting, laughing until someone caught my eye.

"Ochako? Is that you...?"

Ururakas pov:

"Ochako? Is that you...?"

Crap...I've been caught...shit!

I wave at tokayami and Tsu as my best friend runs over to Me. She pulls me into a warm hug and I hear rustling coming from the wall behind me.

"Did you hear that?" Tsu asked confused.

I denied hearing anything as she grabbed my hand and started leading me to a bench. As we walked I shook my hand at the wall where toga, dabi and shiggy hid behind. I don't know what they were doing that made that noise but they needed to shut up before we got caught...

I sat at the bench with Tsu while she rambled on about class and what I missed.

It was nice having a conversation with my friend and hearing about how many bones deku broke.

"Oh so deku was asking about you~" she teased in a suggestive tone.

I was confused..."huh?" OH RIGHT! I like him...I forgot...I mean yeah I totally like him I was just distracted.

Actually...the mention of his name would normally make my heart race and I would panic didn't. I didn't have any sort of reaction to the mention of him. Shit...

Tsu began messing with my hair and we started talking about other people in our class.

"Okay today mineta said I looked hot in my pe kit because you know how it's shrunk or something and it really shows my...uh...curves? Yeah well he kept saying that all lesson and he even tried to touch my...yeah...but tokayami punched him."

"Didn't he get wrong?"

She giggled and said that he blamed it on training.

Even his name made shivers run up my spine as I remembered what he did a few days ago...

"I know he's a pervert and all but I don't think he'd actually do anything too bad unless he was drunk or something."

She ran her brush through my hair and I snapped.

"Yeah well he wasn't drunk."

the brush stopped in my hair and she grabbed my shoulders to turn me to face her.

Tsu pov:

I was confused. What did she mean?

"Huh? What did you say uraraka?"

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