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Third person:

Today was the graduation of everyone in UA. They had all passed and are starting their journey to become the No1 hero. To celebrate their success, the school decided it would be a good idea to hold an event- almost like a prom.

I'm th gym, there were flashing disco lights and 2 long tables pushed against the back wall. One table was filled with red plastic cups and a bowl of punch. Nobody knew what was in it except sero and kamanri claimed to have put something in to keep everyone's spirits up. Obvcourse everyone was a little cautious to drink it but soon people did and everyone suddenly became hyper and danced around like crackheads.

On the other table there was many duffer my part food items like volley cons, sausage rolls, pizza, (other party stuff which I Don't know off being an introvert).

The party started at 10pm and would last till at least 3am.

Ururaka stood in one of the corners of the gym with some of the other girls.

She wore a pink flowing dress with silk lacing. She also had a long silk garment draped over her shoulders, snaking around her arms.

When she was in the hospital, she had received lots of gifts. One in particular which she treasured was a silver tiara, encrusted with real ruby's. Obviously it was a gift from todoroki accompanied with a note that read:

I do apologise if you don't find this gift to your liking. If so, contact me when your feeling better and we can arrange a trip to purchase an item more to your liking.

Get well soon, todoroki xx
Ps: even if you do like th gift, contact me anyways because I'd love any opportunity to spend more of endeavors money.

She took the opportunity and bought a little something for her beloved girlfriend with todorokis help. Ururaka was snapped out of her thoughts by mina pointing at the gym door giggling. Mina was wearing a long golden dress with glitter and a long necklace with a diamond laying on her pink chest.

Ururaka felt an elbow dig into her ribs and quickly looked at mina with a sour face.

"Ow! What the heck mina?" She said with a pout.

Mina couldn't stomach an answer as she was staring at the open gym door in awe.

Ururaka turned her head to see what had captured her attention to be shocked.

Standing in the doorway was a short girl, her blonde hair in 2 buns but mor formal than her regular look, and wearing a sleek red dress that tucked in all the right places, showing her beautiful curves making Ururakas face turn into a blushing mess.

Toga skipped over giggling, the quite tap of her heels following behind her. She shuffled over and linked her arm with her girlfriends who was standing there in shock.

Ochakos eyes slowly scanned her girlfriends gorgeous appearance, taking in the radiance of her wide smile, her sparkling amber eyes and her painted deep red nails.

"-you OK?"

Ururaka was snapped out of her daze by a concerned looking toga. Her lips slightly parted showing her glistening white fangs.
Ururaka shook her head to snap out of her thoughs and looked into the amber eyes of her loving girlfriend.

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