more than a crush?

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Ururakas pov:

All I can see is darkness. It's quite peaceful and warm...actually why is it so warm and soft? My eyes slowly flutter open.

I awake to a large white room. A hospital room? There were some pictures on the wall along with some shelves with plants and little pot of pens. There was a large window to my right, blaring bright light on to the bed.

I felt a soft weight on my hand and I turned my attention to it. I saw a soft hand entertwined with mine. It belong to deku. I quickly pulled my hand away and shuffled away from him.

I must have awaken him because he looked at me with confusion. He shrugged and gave me one of his famous close eyed smiles.

"Hey ururaka-kun! I'm glad your finally awake...i-i was so worried about you and what mineta did to you...i-.i..." he looked at my with pity.

I know he was only worried but it made me so angry.

"Deku stop looking at me like a broken toy." I snapped at him.

He looked shocked and waved his arms in the air trying to explain.

"What?! No ururaka...i don't see you as a broken toy! Your one of my best friends...friends..." he sighed.

"That's actually what I want to talk to you about...I- I don't want to be just your friend...I like you ururaka...a lot like more than friends and when you collapsed I was so worried that I'd lost  you...i-"

He stopped and looked up at me. He suddenly put his hand in mine and pulled me closer. Before I could process what was happening, I felt lips crash against mine.

It felt forced and I didn't like it one bit. I pulled away and shoved him in the chest.


He looked panicked and kept mumbling about how he thought I liked him back. Soon the door burst open and many people ran in. I looked up to see toga pushing deku out of the room.

"I SWEAT TO ALL FOR ONE IF YOU TOUCHED HER I WILL CUT YOU!" She threatened before slamming the door in his face.

I felt a warm soft hand against my cheek and I looked up to calming amber eyes. They are actually really pretty, they have sprinkles of black in which you wouldn't be able to notice unless you were inches from her face.

I instantly calmed down taking in her relaxing scent. She smelled like honey and fire. She wiped away my tears and we stared at each other for a few minutes, happy to be with each other.

"Did he touch you? What did he do?"
She gently asked not breaking eye contact. I sighed and told her he kissed me. Something flashed in her eyes...pain...before she flashed a demonic smile and muttered something about going to kill him.

I grabbed he wrist before she got out of reach and she turned her head to look at me with tears in her eyes.

I released her wrists and place the tips of my fingers together with a mischefous smile. She looks at my hands and frantically waves her hands In the air shouting no as she tried to dart out of the room to deku.

I giggle as I make us float into the air. I pull her closer to me in the air as I giggle at her shocked glance at the door. She turns her attention to me and a smirk covers her face and she has a smug glint in her golden eyes.

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