relationships (a short rant)

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"why do people want to be in a relationship?" was a question i asked myself whenever i saw couples walking down the streets. it was only until a few months back when i finally found out the reason why:

people want to feel accepted by others. they want to know that there's someone out there who cares for them. most of the time, people don't get into a relationship because they truly love the person, they're just afraid of being lonely in this connected world. i was (and still am) afraid of being alone, and that's why i yearned for a relationship too.

but i realised a relationship does not fix anything. it does not fix your flaws or your insecurities. it is a band-aid covering your wounds that has to be ripped off sooner or later. after that, you make the decision to heal the wound or let it worsen.

until you finally learn how to love yourself (which is easier said than done), it is difficult to properly love someone else. it takes time, but taking small steps each day is enough. i'd like to think that a day will come where i don't need to rely on someone else to be happy. self-love will be enough.

'until you get comfortable with being alone, you'll never know if you're choosing someone out of love or loneliness.'

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