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❝ (𝑰 𝑻𝒉𝒊𝒏𝒌 𝑻𝒐𝒐 𝑴𝒖𝒄𝒉 𝑭𝒐𝒓 𝑴𝒚 𝑶𝒘𝒏 𝑮𝒐𝒐𝒅)

donghyuck saw the name he had set renjun's contact as and cringed a little. he had become so dependent on the boy that he felt it had been necessary to add an emoji to his name. "imagine being a weak ass bitch." he said to himself. "what?" minhyung heard just as he was exiting their bedroom. "oh nothing, just cursing to myself." donghyuck snorted at how stupid it sounded. "have fun with that," minhyung laughed. "don't start beating yourself up." donghyuck chuckled, "i won't." minhyung smiled as he put on his shoes. "the boys wanna hang. you wanna come?" donghyuck shook his head, "it's alright."

minhyung pressed a kiss to donghyuck's hair, "alright then. don't be stupid and set the house on fire. love you!" he yelled as he walked out the door. donghyuck chuckled and shook his head. the neighbours must go crazy with how loud minhyung liked to be. he then sighed as his attention went back to his phone screen. he's a weak ass bitch for one person only.

the chatroom stared back at donghyuck. he had been debating whether to message renjun or just leave him alone. it had been one month. would renjun still even want to talk to him?




[ what was he thinking? just 'hey'? who starts up a month old conversation like that? ]


oh, hey :)

it's been... really long
i'm sorry for..
well, lack of a better term,
ab*ndoning u :(


haha no, it's okay
i get that u have ur own things to do so it's fine

not for a month :<
just take my apology, renjun

okay, then
apology accepted :)


um so...
how are things?

[ god, everything felt awkward and so uncomfortable.. imagine how renjun felt... ]


um.. idk things are just..
happening, i guess
nothing of interest, nothing that stands out
it's a cycle, really
an infinite cycle
nothing changes but it always repeats.

[ oh. donghyuck wasn't expecting... that kind of return. ]


i see...

donghyuck bit his lip. there was nothing else that could be said. his phone's lock screen flashed a message back from renjun but he didn't want to answer it yet.

[ renjun🌼💫: what about you? ]
[ renjun🌼💫: how're you and minhyung? ]

donghyuck was surprised renjun remembered minhyung's name. he did think about it, though. maybe a little too much. how are things really with minhyung? sure, they said "i love you" to each other and all that sappy couple shit but did donghyuck really fall back in love with minhyu-

no, wait. yeah, pshh of course he loved minhyung. minhyung is... he's... he's everything. he's him. what's there not to love? (maybe the fact that you haven't gotten over that 'broken trust' issue of yours with him.)



everything is great!!!
things could not be better :)

[ oh, but they really could. ]


cool, cool
that's good on the two of you

[ donghyuck didn't know how to carry on. conversation used to flow so nicely and so smoothly. now... now they're just a mess. an awkward mess. ]

he finally concluded there could be nothing else to say to renjun. what else could he do? he sighed as he shut his phone screen off. the silence of the house suddenly seemed so deafening. the only thing running through his head were thoughts of his broken relationship with renjun. also known as the boy he spilled almost all his life story to in a whole week. interesting how relationships with people can come and go so quickly. one day you're their best friend, laughing and joking and having fun talking with each other. the next, you're complete strangers and conversation flows like you're androids. it's heartbreaking. it's torture. it's painful.

dongyuck realised his brain had been forming its own fictional sob story in his head and he laughed at himself, "it's stupid to feel this way. it's not that deep, hyuck-ah. it's not that deep."

HAPPY ENDING | markhyuck/renhyuck [ ✔️ ]Where stories live. Discover now