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❝ (𝑴𝒂𝒌𝒆𝒔 𝑨 𝑪𝒐𝒏𝒏𝒆𝒄𝒕𝒊𝒐𝒏 𝑺𝒕𝒓𝒐𝒏𝒈 & 𝑨 𝑳𝒐𝒗𝒆 𝑺𝒕𝒓𝒐𝒏𝒈𝒆𝒓)

donghyuck lay on his sofa again, staring blankly at the ceiling. minhyung was sitting at the dining table a little further from donghyuck, absorbed into whatever he was doing. recently, donghyuck had been laying anywhere and everywhere and if minhyung noticed... well, he didn't ask about it. donghyuck's mind felt so full, too full maybe. it was like every second that minhyung wasn't distracting him, renjun was buzzing in his brain. even the slightest thing like going to work set him off. soojin-noona had asked once or twice but he always told her not to worry. even jisung noticed the change in his attitude and had reached out via some texts. donghyuck told him he was fine and even joked that "this is what the job will do to you", laugh emoji laugh emoji. and now he and renjun have gone another two weeks without talking. an objective two weeks is not long. but in this case, when that person was on your mind 24/7, two weeks was a lifetime.

donghyuck looked over at minhyung who was furiously tapping away. he assumed it was his game and continued spacing out. then a thought invaded his head. did he love minhyung?

PSH- WHAT? of... of course he did! minhyung was nice, caring... you know.. everything. but donghyuck felt like something was still off about his relationship.

he looked at minhyung once again. something was off about minhyung. so it was him. donghyuck tried to figure it out. what was the wrong thing in this relationship?

well, donghyuck had to admit, something had been off since they had gotten back together. even when minhyung constantly assured donghyuck that he wouldn't screw up again, the younger still couldn't completely brush it all off. but it was natural for him not to be able to, of course. minhyung had taken donghyuck's carefully presented trust and ruined the fuck out of it. 'course he had to be careful!

donghyuck debated telling minhyung about his dilemma but he was so conflicted. what if minhyung told him he was being stupid and invalidated him... again? oh! donghyuck wouldn't be able to take it if it were the case. but... believing in each other made the connection stronger, right? donghyuck's eyes wandered to minhyung yet again; bottom lip caught between his teeth, eyes wide and concentrated on the game he was playing... then donghyuck realised. he didn't feel that warmth in his chest anymore. watching minhyung felt like he was watching a... friend. he didn't know exactly when but at one point, everyday suddenly became a sleepover. it was as if minhyung was just a housemate or roommate and GOD... donghyuck didn't know when that all started. he felt bad. he thought he was the one ruining the relationship this time. he had no one else to blame but himself.


but he finally braved through his whole thought soup and spilled it all into minhyung's lap. to donghyuck's surprise, he was calm and so so collected through it, nodding at what donghyuck was saying and sounding so... open to the idea that donghyuck could very well be not into him anymore. it was weird. "i think i kinda guessed or expected it. i knew that when i broke your heart the first time, things weren't going to be the same." minhyung said with a sad smile. he refused to make eye contact with donghyuck. "i'm sorry. i really am. but... well, thank you for taking this so calmly. i don't know how i would've acted if you had said that," the younger awkwardly laughed. "i think you would've lost your mind. it would've been my second fuck up and i wouldn't rightly deserve to even attempt to get back with you again." donghyuck was truly shocked. did minhyung really change?



what can i do?
what is there that i can possibly do?
i'm so in love with you
i really am
i know i am
and i'm so sorry
i'm sorry that i'm loving you now
i have someone
or i had someone
i must be going crazy
but this is real
i love you
i don't love him
maybe he knows it's you
i love you renjun
it's always been you


don't play with me donghyuck
you said it yourself, you have someone. why are you bothering me now?

i cant help but come back to you. i only realise now. i really don't love him. i only went back to him because i thought he was the one. i thought that this was a rough patch. no. no it wasn't. i realise it now. it was the wrong path. i know that when i texted your number that it wasn't on accident. it's the universe telling me that it's you.
you visit the café i work at. i've seen you everyday my whole time there. this isn't a coincidence. this is fate
do you...
do you still love me?

i don't know hyuck

ah the sound of shattering glass... or was that donghyuck's fragile heart?

HAPPY ENDING | markhyuck/renhyuck [ ✔️ ]Where stories live. Discover now