Chapter 2

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When the two had parted ways, things went back to their usual lifeless emptiness.
Dabi went through his routine day and day again, mindlessly following his destructive patterns.
The days would always start with waking up, drinking the thoughts away, going out and doing whatever he was ordered and then go back to the hideout for another drink.
Everyday he would up his alcohol intake, hoping one day he just wouldn't wake up.
Normally the thought of death brought a smile to his face, but today the dark haired man found himself frowning as his usual fantasies were disrupted by a crimson angel saving him.
How annoying.
Dabi pulled a lose thread out of his shirt, examining it idly before igniting it.
The small blue flame swallowed it whole, making it seem as though the thread never existed in the first place.
He wanted to do the same thing to Hawks. He wanted that damn hero pay for making his heart flutter every time he was near.
Maybe he could figure out a good time to do so next week.

A month had come and gone and Dabi found himself falling deeper and deeper into a pit of desperation.
He was now at a sketchy rundown motel, staring at the single bed in disbelief.
"Shigaraki said there'd be two," hr grumbled.
Hawks shouldered past him, a feather kissing his skin as he passed leaving Dabi shuddering with longing.
The hero looked at him for a moment, eyes golden gaze contemplative. "It won't be the end of the world. It's just a couple days here, right?"
The villain nodded, making sure the door was locked.
This whole place was giving him a bad vibe.
Not only did it smell, but the carpets had odd stains in various spots.
"Remind me why we're here again?" Hawks said, shrugging his coat off.
Dabi glanced away, not wanting to stare at the other man's lean muscles or the snug fit of his shirt.
"Shigaraki said it was to 'build trust' whatever that's supposed to mean."
He plopped down on the bed, embracing the jut of sharp springs digging into his back.
A moment later, the mattress sunk in as Hawks laid beside him.
"So we're going to have some quality bonding time just because? Sounds more my style then mindless missions."
Dabi shot him a questioning glance.
The hero simply rolled his eyes, running a hand through his blond hair. "Don't get me wrong, action is fun but sometimes I want to take it slow."
The villain let out an indignant snort. "You? Take it slow?
"Yeah yeah. I know it's hard to believe but hey, what can I say? I'm a sucker for spending quality time with people I care about."
Dabi felt his heart clench under the unwavering eyes of Hawks.
Was he someone the hero cared about?
A part of him wanted to light the bastard on fire for making him feel this way- but another part of him wanted to pull the hero down in the rain and make him cry his name.
Dabi quickly turned to look at the ceiling, dismissing the thought.
He would never pound a hero.
Not in a million years.

Later that evening the two were sitting rather close to each other, the floor around them littered with their previously downed bottles of whatever alcohol they had.
He could feel the heat in his cheeks worsen as Hawks leaned closer to him.
"You know," the hero slurred. "Ever since the day I met you, I wondered what it would be like in those pants of yours."
"That's awful perverted, isn't it Feathers?" He smirked.
The hero looked at him, his hair falling in his eyes making him look helpless. "Can't help that I'm curious. It was just a fun thought. Physical pleasures are a favorite of mine."
Before he could respond, the blond had placed a lazy kiss on his lips.
He felt his heart begging to be set free from it's cage.
"Oh you asked for it!" He growled, pinning the man down.
Hawks let out a small chirp of surprise as the bed swayed lightly.
Now this was going to be fun.

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