Chapter 1

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Dabi once again found himself on the rooftop of the hideout he called home.
He would often sit there, letting his mind race.
The city was it's usual mundane gray, harsh lights reflecting off the buildings all too bright.
The occasional car wouldn't mumble past, carrying their passengers along to unknown futures.
Not that he cared about the people below him.
In fact, he didn't really care for anyone.
The League was just stepping stones through a rapid river that he needed to cross. If one of them died, sure it'd be unfortunate but he'd be fine. He always was.
The only thing truly standing in his way now was the insufferable blond hero who thought he was slick trying to infiltrate the League.
Shigaraki had decided to be an ass and place Dabi in charge of communication and trials for the obvious spy.
Dabi didn't point out that the hero would betray them though. He thought it would be rather amusing to see how it all played out.
A flicker of movement caught his attention, but he pretended not to notice. He had learned very early in life that you should always make the enemy believe they have the upper hand.
So, he carried on watching the city without a care. After all, he could always cremate his attacker.
They aren't coming out.
I need to seal the deal that I don't know they're here.
He grumbled slightly to himself as he undid his belt.
True, he didn't get embarrassed easy but he still hated doing this.
Something about the thought of touching himself made his stomach knot.
Still keeping his eyes on the city, he slowly slid his hand under the waistband of his pants, just enough to make it look believable.
There was a small shuffling sound from off to the side before a figure emerged.
"As much as I hate to interrupt the show, I think I'm going to stop you right there," a smooth voice said.
A swish of red came into the corner of Dabi's vision as the hero plopped down beside him, legs dangling carelessly over the edge.
The villain made no movement of his hand and instead spared a lazy glance at his newfound company.
Hawks had his usual hero gear on, his face partially shadowed by the fur on his coat.
Honey fused gold stared back at him from behind a sheer yellow visor.
Dabi couldn't help but think that the winged hero resembled some sort of angel with those wonderful red feathers haloing him.
He shook his head, refocusing on the bleak world. Hawks may have been the only source of color in this life but that didn't make him special.
The hero shifted, looking out at the night sky.
"Well I mean, if you aren't going to stop I suppose I could always join you," the hero mumbled.
Dabi was about to ask what he meant when he saw the hero unbuckling his belt.
"What the fuck?"
Hawks let out a musical laugh.
"I'm kidding! Don't get your panties in wad." He smirked wryly before adding. "Don't get them wet either."
They both sat there in silence for a long time, watching the stars slowly slide until every last one of them had slipped off the face of the earth.
Dabi wasn't sure what the peculiar feeling in his chest was or why it only happened when Hawks was near, but he liked it.

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