~Chapter Eleven: Scouting~

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Two days went by. Even though they are now safe and the fences are fixed, everyone was still on high alert along with the scouts who were responsible for watching the fences. As for Midoriya, he came out of his tent feeling a bit sluggish due to spending nights doing laundry but also determined to start training again.

"How's laundry duty so far?" Ochako said as she saw Midoriya coming towards her and Asui.
"Tiring.." he admits to her. "But it's getting easier."
"Really?" She said.
"After a while though, of course." He said.
"It wasn't the same for Ochako here." Asui said. "She complained all the time."
"Tsu!!" Ochako said.
"What it's true, ribbit." Asui said. Midoriya just smiled at them.
"TRAINERS!!" Hikari yells. "LET'S GO!!!" As soon as he said it, all three of them started walking to the training area. Ochako looked and could see Midoriya walking with them.
"Are you really going to train today?" Ochako asked him.
"Don't see why not?" He said. "I mean, I know my body still needs to heal, but after what happened I figure they'll let me get back into training."
"I don't know about that," Asui said. "Ribbit, they are really strict when it comes to our safety."
"Yeah," Midoriya admits, "But still, I have to learn how to control my quirk, and besides I'm getting tired of waiting."
"You're not the only one." Before he turned, someone jumped on his back and they would've fallen over if he didn't stay still.
"I miss seeing you train with us."
"C-can you get off of me, please." He said to Mina.
"No can do, Midori." She said as she wraps her legs around him. "This is part of your punishment."
"Punishment?" Midoriya said.
"Don't tell me you forgot already?" Mina said to him. As soon as she said that, he did remember what Ochako said to him.
"I said I was sorry," Midoriya said, "B-but is this really necessary?"
"Yep!" She said cheerfully. "So for a whole month, you will do as I say, understand?"
"A W-whole month?!" He said surprised.
"Yep!" She said to him.
"That's not really fair." He said.
"You did make her worry about you," Asui said to him.
"And besides she's not going to do something that you don't want to do." Ochako said. "Right?" She said to Mina. She just nods at her. He took a deep breath and spoke.
"I guess."
"TRAINERS!!!! LET'S GO!!!" Hikari yells once again.
"Have fun you two!" Ochako said as both her and Asui started running.
"March Midori!" Mina said as she pointed towards their direction. He just shook his head and ran towards the training area.

"OW!!" Midoriya was pinned down to the ground by Hado. Before he knew it, Hado pulled Midoriya's arm down and it wasn't comfortable for him.
"AHH! UNCLE!" Midoriya said and Hado let him go.
"You gotta be faster Midoriya." Hikari said as he walked up to both of them.
"Understood." Midoriya said as he was pulled by Hado.
"We'll start this again," Hikari said, "But go line up for now."
"Yes sir." Both Hado and Midoriya said and they went away.
"EVERYONE LINE UP!!" Hikari yells and soon everyone goes where Hado and Midoriya are. As he was in front of all of them, Mimi walked over and stood beside him.
"Everyone here?" She asked.
"Yes Mimi!" They yelled.
"Alright then," she continued. "Due to the incident that happened a few days ago, some of the scouts informed Gramps that there should've been more at the far ends of the village, however, there wasn't enough to begin with which did cause the surprise attack.
"So in order to keep our village and everyone safe, we have all decided to pick two of you to take the morning shift and two more in the 1st night shift. Any questions?" Momo raises her hand right away.
"Yes Momo?"
"Didn't you tell us that we have to be at least 18 or older to go scouting?" She asked.
"We did," Hikari said. "But since we are running low on people and most of those with quirks are young, we have no other choice."
"Who are you going to pick?" Mina asked with her hand raised.
"We're getting there," Hikari said. "Want to go first, Mimi?"
"You pick," Mimi said. "I'm still deciding." He just nodded and spoke to them.
"Those who are on the morning shifts will be Hado and Shoji."
"Sounds Good, sir." Hado said as he saluted.
"Don't do that, Hado." Mimi said to him, but Hikari did the same thing.
"Really, Hikari?" Mimi said.
"What?" Hikari said as he smiled at her. She just shook her head and looked at the group. She thought about it a bit more and soon enough she spoke.
"Midoriya and Ashido will be taking the night shift." That threw Midoriya off a bit while Mina smiled.
"Huh," Hikari said. "Didn't expect you to pick them."
"Same with you too." Mimi said to him. "Alright everyone back to training!" As everyone else headed back to their positions, Mina went up to Midoriya and spoke to him.
"Hey Midori, can not wait to be with you for tonight."
"M-me either." He said a bit nervously, however, though he was having some second thoughts about being outside the village.

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