~Chapter Twenty One: Feelings~

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Another morning had finally come to the village. Yesterday the youngsters were told by both Mimi and Hikari that they will be doing another Duet Fight since they have seen some great improvements as well as wanting them to work with different people too.

Anyhow, the sun was slowly coming up and outside of the fences, both Midoriya and Jirou were working on their duet combination.

"NOW!!" Midoriya was able to move towards where Jirou was, grabs her and throws her in the air. During mid-air, Jirou sticks out her spear while connecting her earphones jacks inside it. As for Midoriya, he went running towards where the dummies are, went behind them, and just pushed them towards the front.

"GOT YA!!" She yells as she had finally reached the ground, but before she did, she raised her spear in the air and just slammed it onto the floor which created this huge wave to come towards the dummies. Midoriya was able to move out of the way, managed to catch Jirou and they both could see the dummies flying away from them.

"What do you think?" Jirou asked him.

"I think it's going to work out." he said with a confident tone.

"You think so?" she asked.

"100%!" He said.

"TRAINERS LET'S GO!!" They both could hear Hikari calling.

"Let's get going." Midoriya said to her. Jirou just nods and sure enough the both ran back inside along with a couple groups who were also training for their duet fight.

'Let's do this.' He thought as he was able to run inside and run towards the training area.

"Alright everyone!" Mimi begins talking to them. "Hope that all of you are able to train on your duet fight or at least come close to it." There were some who were looking away, but other than that they were all determined to take them down.

"Anyway," She continued. "Whether you are ready or not, we will be picking the duos and the two of you will try and beat us."

"Or at least try to get through the fight until you are knocked out." Hikari said.

"We will beat you this time!!" Hado said as he pointed at them.

"I'm sure you will, kid." Hikari said with a smile on his face.

"I'm not a kid you know, sir." Hado said to him.

"I told you not to call me Sir there."

"Then don't call me kid."

"Quit arguing you two." Mimi said to them. "Anyway, are there any questions before we get started." As soon as she said it, everyone just raised their hands.

"Momo you raised your hand first." Mimi said as she pointed at her.

"Are you going to hold back your special move?" she asked.

"I was going to ask that same question."

"Me too." Almost everyone was saying the same thing.

"Alright everyone quiet now." Gramps said as he was walking towards Hikari and Mimi. "To answer your question, they will not be using the special move on anyone until they are able to train on it more."

"Yeah what Gramps said." Hikari said. Everyone nods.

"Any other questions?" Mimi asked. Jirou raised her hand. "What's up Jirou?"

"How come you're holding it back."

"Well," Mimi said to her. "We have not yet perfected the move and plus we have almost killed someone here."

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