Don't You (Chapter 1)

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Chapter 1

Don't You

Annabeth's POV

I groaned loudly as my phone rang, already suspecting who it was. I rolled over to grab the phone and rolled my eyes, I hated being right at the moment.

"Yes Piper?"

"Also a good morning and a hello Annabeth." Piper answered over the phone. I just rolled my eyes again, really not in the mood for this. "Yeah, yeah hello, good morning. You just woke me up."

I thought that she was going to apologise or some sort of remorse to ruin my only free day of the week, well I was free on Sunday, but I mostly worked then anyways. But she only replied with, "Well okay, too bad for you. I have a great plan for us for tonight. And I really want to go with you since we're best friends and all."

"I've rolled my eyes a hundred times already and we are not even talking too long." I remarked.

"Okay, so you know this band that I really like?"

"You like more bands-" I began, but Piper already interrupted me. "Yes, I know. But I am talking about that band that I showed you lately 'Demigods' are they called. With those cousins and the mythology."

"Oh yeah. Not really my style though."

"Whatever that was just one album. And I found something out about them that not many people know. They play at little bars most of the time when they have not tours. And a friend told me that they are playing at a bar here tonight. So if you haven't already guessed it-"

"We're going." I finished for her. "But you can better change it to you're going since I am not going. I can't tonight I have to work."

"Annabeth come on! Architecture can wait! I can't! And I really wanted to go with you so you can't ditch me. We can grab some dinner first. I don't take no for an answer, so is it good if I'm at your house at 7?"

"Piper-" I started, but it was hopeless since Piper had already hung up. I sighed deeply, maybe this would be good for me. I hadn't gone out since Luke and I broke up which was over a month ago. I hadn't really been in the mood to go out after that and focused on work.

Luke was a good for nothing guy anyways. I'd had the biggest crush on him while I was in college as he worked in a coffee shop. I was 21 at the time and he 26. Maybe a 26 year old working in a coffee shop that wasn't his own was a bad sign, since I was mostly attracted to people who were passionate about his job.

But Luke was an exception. He even quit after we started dating. He wasn't really that nice either. He became very possessive and after two months of only fights and trouble I broke up with him which surprise surprise he didn't take very well either.

I counted to three for motivation and stood up shaking the thoughts about my stupid ex-boyfriend away.

After a shower and breakfast I sat down at her desk and opened her laptop, planning to work. But as I was doing some research for a new building I couldn't help but side track and started stalking that band that I was apparently going to see tonight.

"The Demigods" I muttered okay that was kind of a cool name as they named their albums after Greek myths. So it fitted together, nice. I was a sucker for Greek mythology. It was a band that consisted of three cousins, Nico di Angelo, Jason Grace and Percy Jackson.

"Percy?" The name reminded me of her childhood best friend. A guy from a while back that I knew since I was nine from a summer camp they used to go to together. But when we turned 14 I moved away to San Francisco and we lost touch quickly. But maybe it wasn't even him. There could be multiple Percy Jacksons.

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