v. Goodbye

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ALICE ALWAYS KNEW Jimin loved to dance. He danced all the time in secret, only around Alice. He would always show her a new dance routine he learned at the dance academy he was attending after school at her house, always so enthusiastic.

But she never imagined for him to transfer to another city to chase his dream.

When Jimin told her that he passed an audition for an entertainment company and was going to start attending Korean Arts High School in Seoul, she felt happy for him; at first. But as the dreadful day he was to leave crept closer, she grew sad because she would say goodbye to her best friend, her only friend. He was practically her other half at that point and for him to leave was tearing her apart.

As much as he was excited, though, Jimin was worried for Alice. He couldn't help it. He knew how mean the other girls at their school was to her, but Alice always repeated the same words.

"Don't worry."

Of course, he knew that she could handle herself because she never let the other girls bother her. Most of the time at school, Jimin was with his many other friends -he grew to be very popular, having being class president for two years- while Alice preferred to be alone so she could study.

She loved to learn new things, and school was the only place she could do it, because after school she always had sports practice, and at home she was playing new instruments. She was good at everything, and as she noticed more and more people grow to judge her, she eventually figured out that they were just ridiculously jealous. Who wouldn't be? She was at the top of their class, she participated in every sport and was effortlessly gorgeous.

So, Jimin felt a bit more at ease when Alice told him not to worry the day he was leaving.

It was after his last day of school, and all of his friends had already said their goodbyes to him. He saved Alice's goodbye for last, knowing that he would weep like a baby when the time comes.

"You better not cry," Alice playfully hit Jimin's shoulder as she saw the glossiness on his eyes.

"I'm not," he sniffled, "I'm just really going to miss you."

"I'm going to miss you too. But Jimin," she looked at him. "Don't miss me too much," she grinned. "I don't want you to think about me during class or practice and get all sad. Always keep your chin up, okay?"

"Easier said than done. What if it's a waste of time?" Jimin mumbled, taking his snapback off of his head and running his hand through his long brown hair. He had started to wear more trendy clothes in preparation for Seoul, but he wasn't getting used to it that much. His mom would say he looked like a gangster.

"Waste of time? Are you kidding?" Alice chuckled. "When people meet you and see you for the first time, their self esteem will collapse from your glory."

"I-I don't want that..." Jimin frowned a bit, obviously not getting her sarcasm.

"I'm just kidding, you idiot," she chuckled. "Promise me you'll always keep your chin up?"

"I promise," a smile grew on his face. "And I'll try and visit Busan as much as I can to check up on you."

"Don't worry about checking up on me. I'll be the one checking up on you," she smiled at him reassuringly. "Okay, your mom is looking at us impatiently now, you should probably get going."

Without another word, Jimin had quickly wrapped his arms around Alice's shoulders, squeezing her tightly. She was taken back by this, giving that within their 4 years of friendship, they barely ever hugged like this. Jimin was naturally a very touchy person, but with Alice he knew not to get into her personal space that she enjoyed having. But he decided to screw it because this was the last time he would see her for a while and he just wanted to hold her.

Alice sighed into his arms and slowly wrapped her arms around his waist, awkwardly and uncertainly. It started to really hit her that he was leaving for seemingly the fifth time that day, but she tried to contain her emotions.

Jimin pulled away and sighed, too sad to look into Alice's eyes. He had been swallowing the lump in his throat the entire time.

"Break a leg," Alice told him, causing Jimin to release a chuckle from his mouth.

"I hope not," he stepped back a bit more. "Bye, Alice," his smile faded.

"Not bye, you dumbass. See you later," she furrowed her eyebrows at him playfully and smiled. Jimin just laughed in response before walking to his car. Alice watched as the car drove away, further and further until the car disappeared behind a building. She let out one last sigh before she turned around and made her way to soccer practice.

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