xix. Tear

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JIMIN HAD WOKEN up earlier the next morning, hoping to talk to Alice before she went to work

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JIMIN HAD WOKEN up earlier the next morning, hoping to talk to Alice before she went to work. But, as hours passed, she never came out of her bedroom, and she was supposed to leave the house and go to work at any time.

As he started to get more anxious, he made his way toward Alice's door, softly knocking on it.

"Alice?" He quietly said, hoping to not wake up Hoseok who had still been sleeping. "You'll be late for work," he mumbled before reaching his hand on the doorknob. When he twisted it, his eyebrows raised when he realized it was unlocked. Carefully, he opened the door slightly, only peeking his head through. "Alice?"

She was still in bed, curled up in her blankets while she laid on the mattress on the floor, her back facing the door.

Jimin quietly walked into her room, and he noticed her clothes from the day before hanging from the curtain rod. Then he saw all of her school textbooks laying against the window, in hopes of getting dried in the sunlight. He frowned at the sight, as it made him feel more guilty for the night before, if it was even possible.

"Alice," he whispered and sat next to her, trying to find her face under her hair and the blankets.

"Mmm," she mumbled. She'd been awake the entire time. "Jimin," she sniffled.

"What's wrong?" As Alice shifted on the mattress, Jimin noticed her furrow her eyebrows suddenly, as if she were in pain. He reached his hand out and gently brushed the hair out of her face, resulting in her squinting from the sunlight. He brushed his thumb, softly, along her cheek, but he immediately stopped when he felt it.

Her skin was burning.

Instinctively, he moved his palm up to her forehead, confirming his worries.

"Shit, Alice," he sighed. "You have a fever."

"Mm," Alice sniffled and closed her eyes at the feeling of Jimin brushing his hand along her face.

"It's because you got soaking wet last night," he frowned and pulled his hand away, laying it in his lap. "It's all my fault."

"It's not your fault," she muttered.

"I'm going to call your work and tell them you can't come in," Jimin stated, already grabbing Alice's phone, causing her eyes to shoot open.

"No, no," she protested, stumbling on her elbows as she tried to sit up. Jimin quickly noticed and placed his hand on her shoulder, hushing her and gently setting her onto her back again.

"Don't get up," he shook his head. "I'll go make some breakfast for you."

"I'm not hungry," she heavily blinked.

"You need to eat to get your energy back," he rubbed her arm. Alice practically melted at his touch as her eyes closed again, dragging her away into slumber. Jimin fixed her blanket before standing up, her phone still in his hand. He made his way out of her room, and made eye contact with Hoseok, who walked out of his room right at that moment, looking like he had just woken up.

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