xxxviii. Quiet

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A FEW DAYS had passed and it was finally Friday, the day Alice called, 'the last day of the week,' because Saturdays were her free days, so Fridays were the last day of work and class

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A FEW DAYS had passed and it was finally Friday, the day Alice called, 'the last day of the week,' because Saturdays were her free days, so Fridays were the last day of work and class.

She stood outside of the nursing home, lightly tapping her foot onto the concrete as she awaited Jimin's arrival to pick her up.

The past few days had been quite awkward, to say the least. Jimin and her had rarely spoken, only the routine of, 'your breakfast is in the fridge,' or, 'goodnight.' It wasn't her ideal way to spend her last week in that house with him, but there was an undeniable tension in the air that couldn't be ignored. She hated it, but she knew only asking Jimin about it would result in an, 'everything's okay,' on his behalf.

Soon enough, Jimin's car pulled in front of her and she crawled inside, letting out a huff as she sat down. He quickly drove off, his fingers tapping on the steering wheel as his palms gripped it tightly. Alice had noticed this as they reached a red light a few minutes later, his obvious nervousness.

"Is everything alright?" She raised an eyebrow at him, causing him to turn his head toward her quickly.

"Yeah, yeah, it's all good," he hummed and looked back at the road, keeping his fingers glued to the wheel.

"Look at me and say that," Alice smirked.

"Do you want to get in a car accident?" Jimin released a chuckle, causing her to laugh as well. The sudden lighthearted vibe in the air let Alice ease herself a bit as she relaxed in the seat.

"How was the studio?" She asked.

"It was good," Jimin nodded. "But my throat is kind of sore from my vocal lessons. We just started recording our new song," he added, causing Alice to glance toward him in a bit of shock. That was probably the most words he had ever used to reply to her in those past few days.

"That's exciting," she smiled a bit before looking out of the window.

Suddenly, the sound of a familiar song began to play on the radio, causing Jimin to groan in response. It was their hit single from the year before, Boy With Luv. Alice released a chuckle at his reaction before turning up the volume and humming the tune with him.

By the time they reached their front door a while later, Alice could tell there was something fishy going on by the way Jimin started to lick his lips and excessively blink his eyes everytime she asked him a question or said anything. It was easy to read his nervousness, though she was unsure as to what there was to be nervous about.

Brushing it off, she simply opened the front door, walking in with Jimin following.

"They're home!" Alice suddenly heard a deep voice from inside the house, causing her eyebrows to raise in confusion. She walked further to see six boys standing in the kitchen and dining room, food packed onto the table from every corner.

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