xxix. Pros and Cons

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JIMIN THREW HIS bag onto the ground as they entered the front door, loudly yawning

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JIMIN THREW HIS bag onto the ground as they entered the front door, loudly yawning. After a long day of travelling, they finally made it home and they were ready to hit the sheets, even though it was still 5 in the evening.

"Jimin? Alice?" The two heard Hoseok's bubbly voice as he ran into the room, smiling widely when he saw them. "You're back!" He squealed before hugging Jimin, tightly.

"Yeah, yeah," Jimin chuckled. Hoseok pulled away and was about to pull Alice into a hug, but when he saw her face, he instead patted her shoulder. Her head had been hung low, and he could tell just by her vibe that she probably wasn't in the mood for a hug. He wasn't sure why she was like that, but he decided not to talk about it.

"I made dinner for you guys!" Hoseok exclaimed, earning a gasp from Jimin.

"Thank you, hyung. I'm starving," Jimin placed his hand on his stomach, rubbing it before grabbing onto his bag. "Let me unpack."

Alice silently picked up her bag, walking to her own room. She began to empty the inside of the bag, putting certain things into their places. The entire time she was unpacking, her mind was only stuck on one thing.

Anyone would think she'd be overwhelmed over the situation about her mother, but she didn't feel that as much as she did the night before. In fact, she felt a bit better about it, especially because of the talk with her mother that morning. She knew she was on the road to forgiveness. So that wasn't the reason why she felt overwhelmed.

No, rather it was because of her feelings for Jimin- were they feelings? Were they just passing thoughts that only happened because of last night?

But I've never felt this way in the past 12 years. He's never held me the way he did last night, so is that the reason why I'm having these feelings?

Suddenly, dragging out of her thoughts, she heard her phone ring as a notification popped up on the screen. She grabbed it, seeing a text from Minjun.


Normally, upon seeing a text from him like that, Alice would've felt something- anything, but she didn't.

She did not feel a single thing when she saw his name.

She'd also never ignored his text before.

Something's definitely wrong with me.


"This is so good," Jimin hummed, with the food that Hoseok made in his mouth.

"I'm glad," Hoseok giggled before taking a bite as well. "Is it good?" He turned his head to Alice, who was silently eating her food.

"Yeah," she nodded and shot a small smile at him, not quite reaching her eyes. As she looked down at her food, Hoseok shot a glance to Jimin from across the table. Jimin glared at him as a warning, Hoseok immediately understanding.

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