♕ 𝔅𝔢𝔱𝔯𝔞𝔶𝔢𝔡 - 𝔓𝔞𝔯𝔱 6 ♕

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 "Wake up!" Aurora opened her eyes after hearing Cherie's voice, only to find herself in a large unfamiliar room that smelled like detergent and seemed like it required some maintenance.

 "Oh yeah... that..." thought Aurora, remembering what had happened the previous day.

 "You need to get dressed." Aurora sat up to find Cherie sitting at the edge of the musty bed... along with a large crowd of servants! "Since you're a servant now, you'll have to get accustomed to some new rules."

 "And don't think you can boss us around, because you're not a princess anymore!" sneered a mean-faced girl with hair a fiery shade of red, standing at the very front of the crowd.

 "Hush, Carmelia! Don't say such things! She's one of us now, so treat her nicely!"

 'I'm a servant now..?' Aurora wasn't surprised that her parents would do something like that. She always felt as if they despised her whenever she was around. 'Well, at least now no rules are stopping me from making new friends! And I can actually talk to another human being my age who's not my sister.'

 Aurora's eyes hadn't adjusted to the darkness yet, and when she looked around, all she could see in the room were beds that seemed to go on for at least as far as she could see.

 Cherie led Aurora to another room that looked like a huge closet. In fact, it was a huge closet (after further inspection from Aurora). It was the size of Aurora's closet back when she was a princess, but this one was musty and filled to the brim with an array of different servant clothes. She presumed that this closet was probably shared among all the servants, because her parents would never provide someone who they considered a peasant with a huge wardrobe of any sort.

 "This is yours," said Cherie as she handed Aurora a dress identical to the one Cherie was wearing.

 After she changed clothes, she found all of the servants still waiting for her in the bedroom. A teal-haired girl with dark skin introduced herself as Nara, and explained to her the rules.

 "There are only three rules to follow. The first rule is: Never show emotion in front of anyone. This excludes other servants, of course, but once you're outside the servants' quarters you shouldn't show emotion at all, just to be safe. Rule number two is: Obey all orders. If you're doing something and one of the masters requires something of you, immediately stop what you were doing before and listen to your master's commands. That is your main priority; obeying commands. Now, rule number three: Never hide your servant mark unless you are commanded to or in front of a guest. The servant mark is the master's sign of dominance and ownership, and covering it is a sign of rebellion. Remember these three rules at all times, because if you disobey then there will be some severe consequences."

 'So that was why servants never showed emotion and all had the same strange scars...' thought Aurora. 'My sister is probably going to make my life hell. Especially because I have to listen to everything she says now.'

 Once they all left the servant quarters, she was handed some cleaning equipment and immediately led through some rooms and into a corridor. "This is your post for today. Carmelia will be working in this corridor alongside you because I feel like you'll make a good pair. She'll explain what you should do, and once you're done cleaning you can follow her back to the servants' quarters as I assume you don't already know the way."

 'Hmm.. Maybe being a servant isn't so bad after all. But I'm teamed up with Carmelia, that mean girl from earlier... Let's hope she doesn't let her grudges get in the way of my work."

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