♕ 𝔅𝔢𝔱𝔯𝔞𝔶𝔢𝔡 - 𝔓𝔞𝔯𝔱 8 ♕

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 The dining table was filled with delicious foods today, and, seated on one side of the long table, was a prince Aurora had never seen before. He had brown eyes and very shiny black, as if he had used too much excessive conditioner (probably just to show off), but something about him was very ominous. Maybe it was that look in his eye, or maybe it was the fact that he was staring at her. 'Wait- Why is he staring at me?' Aurora felt incredibly nervous for some reason, even though it was just a guest, and felt her legs turn to jelly. Standing on the side of the room suddenly became a difficult task. She decided to distract herself by looking at her fellow servants. Cherie had a particularly worried look as she was bringing more food from the kitchen.

 "So, what were we discussing again?" Her father, who was seated opposite the prince, was clearly finding it so hard to converse when such good smells were wafting from the food in front of him. "Ah yes, purchasing a servant, was it? Which one are you interested in?"

 Aurora realised why Cherie was so nervous. This prince must've come before to purchase servants, and from the look of it, they didn't have a good time being owned by him. Suddenly, the prince stood up and started inspecting the servants. 

 "I haven't decided yet.." he said, as he looked around. His eyes stopped at Aurora. "Actually, this one will do."

 "Ok then. How much will you pay for that one?" Her father seemed to be in a good mood, probably because he was about to get rid of his daughter and earn money from it, two things that he was pleased about.

 Aurora felt like her heart was in her mouth. She wanted to bolt for the door, but knew that without a doubt there'd be many guards around the door who'd stop her from escaping.

 "I'll pay... would a thousand gold do?"

 "A thousand gold? Really? I mean- Sure, definitely. We'll prepare her to leave for the Amber kingdom tomorrow. Meanwhile, would you like some food?"

 "I think I've lost my appetite. I'll be heading to bed if that's ok with you?"

 "Sure, let me call a maid to show you there. Nara! Take him to his room."

 "Yes sir. Right away..."

 Aurora wasn't listening to them anymore. She felt like her mind had become blank and the only thing that she could think about was that she was about to be sold. She didn't even notice the other maids leading her back to the servants' quarters to get prepared...

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