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Hermione Granger was tired. So, so tired. She had gotten about four hours of sleep in the past three days, and she was running on three redbulls, four coffees, an energy potion, and pure determination.

She had never stayed up for so many consecutive hours before. Except for when she was studying for her O.W.L.s, of course.

But this was far more important. This law she was pushing for would change everything. Although S.P.E.W was long over, she was still fighting for elves' rights. There was nothing much she could do about the enslavement of house elves itself, but this protection law would ensure the safety and relative happiness for house elves. No more cruel or corporal punishments, and no more abuse.

She scribbled relentlessly on the parchment. There wasn't any time for breaks.

"Hermione, come back to bed," Ron said.

She didn't reply.

A few seconds later, she heard the mattress creaking, and Ron came to her desk to watch her work.

"You know," he said, "this isn't healthy. You should get some sleep."

Hermione just shook her head and crossed out a sentence. She would sleep tomorrow, when all of this was done.

Ron just sighed.

"Okay, I'm going to bed, but please sleep, Mione."

"I will, I will," she agreed half-heartedly. "Don't wait up."

She did sleep. Technically. At around seven in the morning, she slid into bed next to Ron. Three hours later, Ron got up, and Hermione followed.

"Damn it," muttered Ron. "Did I wake you up? Sorry, I was trying not to."

"No, no," Hermione said groggily. "I have to get up. Finish writing that letter."

"I'll make us some breakfast, then."

"No thanks," Hermione replied. "I don't have enough time."

He just looked at her with a disapproving frown.

"Fine," she sighed. "Just some toast then. And coffee."

At this, Ron smiled and lead her downstairs to the kitchen. Hermione slumped over the kitchen table with a yawn, still only half awake.

Ron hummed quietly as he worked, buttering the toast and pouring the tea. He set the plates down on the table and gestured for Hermione to start eating.

"I wanted coffee, not tea," she said.

"Too bad," he replied, sitting down and taking a bite of his toast. "You drank an overload of coffee this week. You should take a break."

"Hmmph," Hermione grumbled.

Secretly, she knew he was right. Four coffees in one day was a lot.

Promising herself that she would get a cup of coffee later, she started eating.

Halfway through her breakfast, their owl, Silk, swooped in through the window and dropped a small stack of letters on the table. Hermione pet the eagle owl as Ron went through the mail.

"We got a letter from Harry and Draco — ah, this is yours, looks like it's from the Ministry—" he said as he handed Hermione a professional-looking letter she knew all too well.

She tucked it into her pocket and reminded herself to open it later. It didn't seem too important, based on the stamp, but you never knew.

"—for me, and another letter from the ministry—"

She pocketed yet another letter.

"Oh, who is this from? Charlie Swan?"

Hermione looked up sharply.

"What?" she said.

"There's a letter from a man named Charlie Swan."

Hermione reached over the table and opened the letter.

Hermione, it said.

Hey, it's your old man Charlie. How are you? We miss you.

I don't know if  you heard, but Bella got married. A while ago, actually. It's been nine years. Bella and I tried to invite you to the wedding, but we lost your contact information, and when we called William and Jean, they didn't pick up.

We tried to contact you a few more times, but we didn't get anything back.

I'm getting remarried to a lovely woman named Sue Clearwater.

Bella's coming up state with her family, and we're having a small family reunion of sorts and a wedding ceremony.

Your parents can't make it, apparently, because they have some sort of conference meeting in China? But they told me you would most likely be available. They were the ones who gave me your address, by the way.

It's in a month, and we would really like it if you came. I was told that you have a boyfriend. You can bring him and his family, if you'd like. The more people the better.

More information's on the RSVP card. Send it back as soon as possible and let us know how many we're expecting. We hope to see you here.

— Your Uncle Charlie —

Ron read the RSVP card aloud.

"Huh," he said. "You have family in America?"

"My mum actually is American," Hermione told him. "She came to England for college and never left after she met Dad."

"You never talk about your extended family much," Ron pointed out.

"Yeah. Different countries and everything. And honestly, my grandparents were a bit disagreeable. At least, that's what my Mum told me. Uncle Charlie and Bella were always really nice, but we're not very close."

"They sound great," Ron said enthusiastically. "I can't wait to meet them!"


"You know? The get together? It says in the letter that I can come, too."

"No, I know that," Hermione furrowed her brows. "But we can't go. I have work to do at the Ministry.

"What? No! We have to go!"


"No, Hermione, didn't you read the letter? Your uncle is getting married. Married! You have to be there. You already missed your cousin's wedding!"

"But the Ministry—"

"The Ministry will be fine without you for a week," said Ron. "You really need a vacation, Mione, and this is it. We have to go."

Hermione opened her mouth to protest, but Ron cut her off.

"We have dinner with my mum tomorrow night, we'll ask everyone if they're available."

Giving in, Hermione nodded.


guyssss i'm so excited for this

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