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Hermione woke the next day to a pleasant surprise. The usually shy sun of Forks had emerged. Unfortunately, the forest around the Cullens' home shrouded sunlight, but Hermione was nonetheless happy for the warmth. On top of that, when she trotted downstairs for breakfast, Bella, Edward, and Renesmee had returned to the Cullen home for lunch.

"We have a meetup with the Quileutes  and Sue," Bella said to her, "so you'll get to meet them very soon."

"Who are the Quileutes?" Hermione asked.

"They're the Native American tribe. Sue's a Quileute. By the way, where's the rest of your family?"

"Oh, Ron's still sleeping, as is Ginny, but Draco should be down any minute. Harry and Mr. and Mrs. Weasley went to the airport to pick up Bill and Fleur. Bill's Ron and Ginny's brother, and Fleur is his wife."

Hermione had a sneaking suspicion that Harry had only gone along to warn Bill and Fleur of the Cullens' supernatural features. Mr. and Mrs. Weasley had taken the news surprisingly well the previous night, and Harry was worried that they weren't a hundred percent convinced.

"Waffles okay?" Esme said.

"Of course," Hermione said at the same time Renesmee exclaimed, "Yeah!"

Something about Renesmee set her apart from the rest of the Cullens, and it wasn't just her brown eyes. 

Her behavior was child-like. Not in the way Emmett was, or Alice, because mixed their fun personalities, there was a sort of thirst. A thirst for knowledge, wisdom, and blood. They weren't innocent, Hermione could sense. They had experienced some kind of horror — or inflicted it— first-hand. Renesmee, on the other hand, possessed a childish naivety that none of the Cullens possessed. It made her quite endearing.

As waffles were being served, Draco strode downstairs, looking dashing as always. Hermione couldn't understand how he looked so perfect in the mornings. Her hair was always a huge mess that she had to spend a copious amount of time taming.

"Morning," Draco said. "Do you mind if I brewed some tea?"

"Not at all!" Esme gestured to a cupboard. "It's in there. All sorts. Tea bags, loose leaf, you name it."

They made light conversation over breakfast. Renesmee and Emmett seemed to be having a messy contest of who could eat the most waffles, and Hermione saw that although Rosalie looked disdainful, the corners of her lips were turned upward, a look of fondness on her face.

Carlisle was reading the newspaper and Esme cooking, and Alice, Jasper, Edward, and Bella were somewhere out on the balcony. It was as she was clearing her plate when the Weasleys and Harry entered.

Introductions were made and names were exchanged. The Cullens seemed taken aback by Fleur's appearance, as if they thought her beauty simply could not be on the face of a human. They were right, of course, as Fleur was not completely human, but maybe they hadn't caught onto her scent. Maybe the human part of her blood had masked the scent.

"Eet eez a pleasure to be 'ere," Fleur was saying. "You 'ave a lovely home."

"Thank you," Carlisle replied. "Would you like some lunch?"

"Oh, no thank you, we actually ate at the airport," Bill declined. "We heard that there was something going on today?"

"Yes, we're meeting with Charlie and some of the Quileutes, the Native American tribe that Sue is from, so that we can all get acquainted before the wedding."

Half an hour later, a familiar police cruiser pulled up to the Cullens' driveway. From the car emerged six figures. Charlie, a happy-looking middle-aged woman, a short middle-aged man, a muscular woman with a scrutinizing gaze, a grinning young boy, and a buff man.

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