Male! Giant x Reader (Short Fluff)

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(Y/N)'s POV

They were right behind me. I had to keep running. If I didn't, they would catch me. Must keep going. Must keep going.

I repeated this mantra in my head as I ran from the creatures behind me. I was trying to deliver some food to my parents in their cabin, but some animals started chasing my scent. I didn't see what they were until they were after me. And I doubted these wolves would give up a good chase. I kept running through the trees, not caring where I was going as long as they'd lose my trail. But suddenly, the land underneath me ground to a sudden halt.

There was no escape. Either option would surely result in death. Would I rather jump or be eaten alive? The wolves were closing in. I couldn't think. There's no time.

I jumped. Hair flew behind me as the wind whipped past my face. I braced myself for the harsh impact of the ground.

In the few seconds before I felt the impact, my life flashed before my closed eyes. I hadn't done much. I never got to do what I wanted to do most. I amounted... to nothing.

The few seconds lasted longer than I thought they would. Then they turned into a minute. I tried opening my eyes yet I still saw nothing. Was I dead? No, I couldn't be dead, I need to live for plot's sake. But I jumped off a cliff so I very well could be dead...

I tried pinching myself.

I shot up in a bed that was the size of my living room. That's it. I must already be dead or I will be soon. Because giant beds mean one of two things: a weird lucid purgatory state of mind reminiscent of a coma or death, or giants.

Giants had been guarding our village to keep us to themselves. No one knows what they planned to do, but we could only plan for the worst.

Somewhere across the cave it seemed I was in, stood a giant with shaggy hair. It looked to be about twenty feet tall, give or take. There's no doubt, though, that it could snap me in half.

"Ah, you're finally awake," it said. (Second time I've made this dumb joke istg) It's voice was gravelly and deep. It was almost surely a male.

"Are you okay, human?" He asked. All I could do was cower in fear. He was going to kill me. I just knew it.

"Human?" He asked once more. He then noticed how severely I was trembling. "I won't hurt you human..." he said, almost disappointed I would think he would. But I couldn't trust him.

"You're going to eat me, you are!" I cried. It was only a matter of time before he did.

The giant looked hurt by my statement. "Why would I eat you? We don't usually eat humans..."

"But... what about the legends?" I said, slightly less scared.

"What legends?" He asked, curious. He had no idea. I guess he didn't eat people. But there was another question I had in mind.

"Why did you save me?" I asked. If he wasn't going to save me for a quick meal, then why?

He looked at me, pushing some hair out of his eyes. "I didn't want a pretty thing like you to die that way." He paused, reaching out for me but then deciding against it.

"Th-thank you. For saving me. How can I repay you?" I said.

He sat down on the bed and thought before saying, "Just try to visit me, please. All you have to do is come out to the cliff."

"Thank you. I'll be sure to do it frequently." I smiled.

With the help of the giant, I managed to find my way back home.

"Wait!" I called out, once again on the cliff. "I never got your name!"

"Armeshi, and you?"

"(Y/N). I look forward to seeing you again, Armeshi."

The giant blushed and staggered back to his cave. Now how to get back to the village from here?

690 words

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