Gef the Talking Mongoose x Child! Reader (Fluff)

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headcanon style

- you found him in the wild
- lil thing looked so alone and scared that you couldn't help but pet it
- then something weird happened

-it spoke
- "if you're petting me, could you scratch behind the ears please?"

- your teacher told you that animals don't talk like people do
- but here was one that did!!
- so you obviously did what he said (he even asked nicely!!)
- the creature purred as you scratched behind its ears

- "thanks dearie, that had been bugging me for weeks! I'm Gef, and you're probably wondering how I can talk. well I'm not actually a mongoose! I'm a ghost! I have hands and I have feet, and if you saw me you'd faint!"
- "now that I've introduced myself, it's your turn!"
- you introduced yourself to the talking mongoose
-and while you didn't quite know every word he said, you got the gist

- it was getting dark so you had to go back to the house, but you promised him you'd come back
- you said goodbye and skipped back to your house

- you told your parents about the talking mongoose but they didn't believe you
- they said you were playing make-believe and that there wasn't a mongoose anywhere near here
- but you weren't! and when you told them that they laughed and simply tucked you in

- the next morning, you went outside and went looking for Gef, but he wasn't there
- you didn't know him too well, so you weren't too upset but your friend was still gone
-needless to say you cried until your mom managed to calm you down

- you kept checking every night, but you never found him again
- it lead you to believe you really had made it up

- a decade later, you heard your dad talk about something he heard at work
- that one of the girls in your old school saw a mongoose that talked!
- and while you felt like you remembered something like that, you couldn't quite place where it was from
- after all, where would you find a mongoose in England?

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