Speedster fight!

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Everyone looked over at Barry. Jay asked "what are we going to do kid". Barry said "last time, I fought him alone, this time, we go, me, Kara, Thawne and you, we might stand a better chance against him". Kara nodded and smiled at Barry. Barry walked over to Joe and asked "can you look after Dawn". Joe nodded and said "of course son, make sure you all come back". Barry nodded and handed Dawn over to Joe. The four sped into their suits and then headed off to face against Savitar.

Barry came to a stop by the waterfront. Savitar came to a stop a few feet away from him. He chuckled and said "I see you got my message". Barry said "whatever you are planning, we will stop you". Savitar chuckled and said "whatever you plan, I will be ready for Barry, I know you, probably more than you know yourself, I know Thawne, and Kara". Barry said "I've beaten a future speedster before, I can do it again". Savitar said "it worked out well last time, I have studied you Barry, you aren't fast enough". Barry said "I don't need to be, and last time, I was alone". From behind, Thawne ran at Savitar and was about to punch him when Savitar phased at the last moment, causing Thawne to go through him. Savitar grabbed Thawne and threw him towards Barry. Barry caught him and put him down and then the two ran at Savitar. They both swung at him but Savitar sped behind them and kicked them forwards. He chuckled and said "the Thawne I knew, he didn't hold back, this is why you will lose". Thawne said "that was the old me, he was blinded by rage". Savitar said "you need to become the monster to beat the monster or in this case, you need to become a God to beat a God". Barry said "you aren't a God". Savitar said "to become a God, you just need to make people believe you are, you could have been a God Barry, but instead, you waste your time playing hero". Barry said "and you waste your time talking". As Savitar was about to run at them, he was blasted back with Kara's heat vision. Savitar sped in a circle and threw a lightning bolt at Kara. She was knocked back and fell towards the ground. Barry sped over and caught her in his arms. He asked "you ok". Kara nodded and said "thanks to you". Barry smiled and put her down. Savitar said "so the Kryptonian is here, it's good to see you again Kara". Kara glared at him and said "leave... my... family... alone". Savitar said "you don't have a family Kara, did you forget that they burnt to ash, your real family anyway". Kara shook her head and said "Barry and Dawn are my real family". Savitar chuckled and said "out of everyone, you chose him". Kara said "out of everyone, Barry is the one who fully understands me for who I am, and what I've been through, and who I love, you wouldn't understand that". Before Savitar could speak again, Kara launched towards him as the two speedsters ran at him from his sides. Savitar vibrated his hand really fast causing white lightning to spark off his arm. Once the three heroes got close enough, He punched the ground creating an electric shockwave that knocked Barry and Thawne over. Kara punched him back and was about to fly and punch him again when Savitar sped over and punched her to the ground. He said "I may not want you or your family dead, but you will all feel my wrath".

Barry slammed into Savitar and said "stay the hell away from her". Savitar regained his balance and said "you can't stop me Barry, none of you can". Barry said "we're going to keep trying". Savitar said "and you'll keep failing, I know all of you, I know your strengths, I know your weaknesses, and no Kara, I won't use kryptonite, that would make it to easy, wouldn't it". Kara stood by Barry's side and said "Barry's right, you talk too much". Savitar chuckled and said "well this won't take long". Thawne sped over beside them. Savitar said "I never thought I'd see you on the same side as him". Thawne said "what can I say, people change". Kara asked "together". Barry nodded and said "together". Barry, Thawne and Savitar got into running positions while Kara got ready to fly at Savitar. Barry smiled when he saw the Orange lightning behind Savitar. The three heroes raced towards Savitar as he began to run at them. Barry and Thawne threw lightning at him while Kara blasted him with her heat vision. Savitar slowed down a little and was hit in the back by Jay Garrick. He flew forwards and was punched by Kara. Savitar managed to regain balance and he punched Kara back. Barry got distracted and was also knocked over. Thawne and Jay punched Savitar but it barely did a thing. Savitar grabbed Jay and lifted him up. He punched him a couple times in the chest before throwing him at Thawne and knocking them both over. He extended his blades on his arms and was about to stab them both when Barry sped over and punched him. Savitar grabbed Barry and stabbed him through the leg and threw him at the ground. Kara shouted "Barry". She flew over to him and asked "are you ok". Barry nodded and said "I'll be ok, help Jay and Thawne". Kara nodded and stood up. She blasted Savitar with her heat vision as she walked closer to him. She then grabbed his blade and snapped it off. Savitar kicked Kara back and grabbed the blade. He then lifted Jay up and stabbed him in the stomach with it. He dropped Jay and said "you're next Thawne". He then sped away and left them. Thawne immediately got up and ran over to Jay while Kara went to get Barry. Thawne said "we need to go, do you have him". Kara nodded and said "get Jay to Star Labs, I can bring Barry".

Thawne lifted Jay up and sped him away to Star Labs. Kara tried to freeze the wound on Barry's leg to stop the bleeding but she couldn't. She said "no, no, not again". Barry grunted in pain as he sat up. He asked "what's wrong babe". Kara said "Bar.... I think I've solar flared".

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