A Walk in the Snow!

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Kara walked along the street, beside Barry, who was pushing the stroller. Kara smiled and looked around their snowy surroundings. Barry smiled as well and said "I can't wait until Dawn is a little older". Kara giggled and asked "why is that Bar, you say you don't want her to grow up, and now you do". Barry replied "hey, I'm sure you'll be just as excited to build up a snowman with your daughter and boyfriend". Kara beamed and said "well in that case, I agree with you Bar". Barry chuckled and pecked Kara on the cheek. Kara smiled more and said "This has to be my favourite Christmas, it's already twenty times better than all my other Christmas' combined". Barry asked "yeah". Kara nodded and said "I got to spend it with you, and our little angel". Barry smiled and said "it isn't over yet Kara, we get to spend it with our family and friends, and I have another present for you". Kara asked "you do, you're gonna end up spoiling me". Barry chuckled and replied "it's my last one, I promise, but you won't be getting it until after dinner". Kara giggled and said "I can't wait then". Barry smiled and replied "I hope you'll love it". Kara beamed and said "Bar, like I told you earlier, I'll love anything you get me, even though having you is already everything I could want". Barry smiled at Kara and said "I love you Kar". Kara smiled from ear to ear and replied "I love you too" .

Kara was now pushing the stroller as she walked side by side with Barry. She asked "so is it straight back to training tomorrow". Barry nodded and said "I wish we could relax Kara, but we need to stop Savitar from hurting anyone else". Kara nodded and replied "and once you're fast enough, we're both going to the future to learn how you trapped Savitar in the speedforce". Barry nodded and added "and also if we can learn anything more about Savitar". Kara nodded with a sigh before saying "hopefully it won't be a waste of our time, we've known about Savitar for months now, we've fought him a few times, and we still don't know much about him". Barry nodded and said "luckily with time travel, it'll be as if we hadn't left, so it'll really be just our time we're wasting". Kara nodded and said "I guess, but you'll get faster, I know it, then you'll be able to stop him, whoever he is, you managed to beat Thawne and Zoom, you can do this too". Barry smiled and replied "as long as you believe in me Kara, I'll keep trying". Kara beamed and said "I'll always believe in you Bar, just like how you believed in me, you helped me deal with the fallout of the red kryptonite situation, you're a great friend and an amazing boyfriend". Barry smiled and replied "you're a pretty amazing girlfriend Kar, I probably would have been lost without you a long time ago". Kara shook her head and said "you'd have managed Bar, I know you would have, you have been the best father in the world to Dawn, if anyone could manage it, it would be you". Barry smiled more and said "thanks Kara, but you know that if I didn't make it back to your earth, I would have kept trying, you are an amazing mother Kara and you deserve to be a part of our daughters life". Kara smiled at Barry and said "thanks Bar, it means more than the world to me that you were able to come and tell me about our daughter, and that you think I'm a good mum to Dawn, I knew when we first met that I had a thing for you, but..... I never imagined that it would ever happen, that you'd love me too, I'm beyond happy that I'm here with you and Dawn". Barry smiled more and said "I'm glad you're happy, you deserve it, especially after everything you've all been through". Kara said "you deserve to be happy too Bar". Barry smiled and replied "I'm beyond happy Kar".

The snow had started to fall faster and more frequently as the couple walked. Kara said "it's getting heavier Barry, maybe we should start heading back home". Barry nodded and said "we aren't too far, if we take a right, two blocks down, it'll lead us to our street, we'll be home in twenty minutes, then I can get started on the hot chocolate". Kara nodded and replied "then we can finally snuggle up and relax for a little while". Barry nodded and said "yeah I can't wait to get out of the snow, as much as I like it, it's really cold". Kara giggled and said "well When we are snuggled up, I'll help warm you up Bar". Barry chuckled and said "thanks babe, I wish we just stayed in and snuggled up from the start". Kara asked "you do, I'm glad we decided to go for a walk, it was really fun". Barry nodded and said "yeah it was but I'd prefer to be in our nice cosy house, sitting together on the couch while we talk, watch a movie or just cuddle in, it's way too cold outside for me". Kara giggled and replied "you're such a baby". Barry chuckled and said "you do know that I could easily get that red sun bracelet that you wanted Cisco to make for whatever reason, then we'll see how you'd feel about the cold". Kara blushed and asked "you know about that". Barry nodded and asked "is it because of...." . Kara shook her head and said "I'm not worried about hurting you during..... You know, I know you can handle it considering we have done it a couple of times now, I just thought that it might be fun to.... You know feel it the way a normal person does". Barry chuckled and replied "you don't have to be embarrassed about it Kar, I'd be more than happy to do it like a normal couple". Kara giggled and said "awesome, Cisco finished it, I told him that it would be in case I was affected by Red Kryptonite again, that you'd have a way to stop me, we can try it out later if we can get someone to look after Dawn". Barry smiled and said "we can check once Everyone is over for the Christmas dinner". Kara nodded and said "yeah, but snuggles first". Barry nodded and replied "snuggles first".

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