Mirror Master!

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Barry and Kara walked into the Cortex. They had dropped Dawn of with Joe so they could focus on catching This new meta human. Thawne, Cisco and Caitlin were already sitting in the Cortex. Thawne asked "is everything ok". Barry said "there's a new meta human that we need to find and fast". Cisco asked "what kind of meta are we talking about". Kara said "Barry believes they can manipulate any reflective surface, and possibly even enter the mirror into some sort of Mirrorverse". Cisco laughed and said "dude that would be cool if it was possible, and since when did you start naming things". Barry said "dude you name them all the time, and Cait called one peekaboo, it was my turn, so I'm calling it the Mirrorverse". Thawne said "which is real, I'm my time, there was a meta, Evan McCullough, called himself the Mirror Master". Everyone looked at Thawne waiting for him to continue. Thawne said "he originally came from Scotland, had an annoying accent, (A/N: it's true, Google it, I'm not just saying that because I'm from there XD), bit of a dick, he could enter the mirror or any reflective surface into Barry's proposed idea of the Mirrorverse, he could also manipulate anything that has a reflective surface". Barry said "so I'm right about the Mirrorverse". Thawne nodded. Barry stuck his tongue out at Cisco. Kara giggled and shook her head. Barry said "I guess I'm going to go...." . Kara said "you better not say train, you already have today, if you overwork yourself, you will become tired and then you will become sloppy". Barry smiled and said "no I was going to see if there is a way to block his connection to mirrors, if you are coming Cisco". Cisco said "yas, finally bro time". Barry chuckled and shook his head. Cisco said "what, ever since you had a kid and girlfriend, we haven't had the chance to really hang out, no offence Kara, you are a good influence to Barry and all but we need to hang out sometimes". Kara smiled and said "I get it, I'm going to help Cait with stuff". Caitlin smiled and said "cool, I could use a hand with cleaning the med bay then". Kara smiled and nodded.

Barry and Cisco sat in Cisco's workshop and began coming up with ideas. Cisco said "ok, cross out my idea". Barry said "it shouldn't have even been an idea in the first place, we aren't smashing every single mirror and reflective surface". Cisco said "jeez, ok, we can come up with something surely". Barry asked "how about we trap him". Cisco asked "trap him with what". Barry said "we use the mirrors against him". Cisco asked "and how would we do that". Barry said "maybe This mirror master can't use his powers correctly, meaning he can't go from a mirror in one place to a mirror in another place, maybe he has to see the other mirror in order to go to that mirror". Cisco gasped and said "we can trap him in an infinite loop of mirrors". Barry nodded and said "exactly". Cisco said "ok, we'll need time to set everything up". Suddenly the meta alert went off. Barry sighed and said "no time, we'll have to just try stop him now, if it doesn't work, then we set the trap". Cisco nodded. Barry sped up to the Cortex and put his suit on. Kara was already waiting in hers. Barry smiled and asked "ready babe". Kara nodded with a smile and said "always Bar, especially when I'm fighting crime with you". Barry smiled and nodded. Thawne said "you two better get going, I'll help Cisco with the trap". Barry nodded and sped away with Kara right behind him.

The two arrived at the bank to see a male of average height with short brown hair and small stubble walking out of the vault. Barry sighed and said "can you please put the money back". The man said "who the hell are you two". Barry asked "seriously, have you not been here the past couple years". The man shouted "I was stuck in a damn mirror for three years, it was all Bertaneli's fault, I'm going to get him back, stay out of my way or you'll regret it". Kara said "well letting you go isn't really an option for us so....." . The man threw the bags of money into the mirror. Barry said "guess I was right about his powers". Kara nodded and asked "how are we doing this". Barry said "well we just need to stop him from going into the mirror, sounds simple enough". Kara giggled and nodded. The man smirked and said "give it your best shot freaks". Kara flew as fast as she could towards the man who stepped to the side at the last moment. Kara stopped just before she went into the mirror. Mirror Master kicked Kara and she stumbled and almost fell into the Mirror. Barry ran and took Kara's hand just before she went in. He moved her to the side but was then tackled into the mirror by Mirror Master. Kara saw Mirror Master in another mirror lifting up his bags of money and then he gave her a small wave before he disappeared. Kara looked at the mirror that Barry was in. He stood up and looked around then at Kara. Kara teared up a little and softly said "Barry, oh Rao, This is all my fault". Barry smiled and shook his head. Kara said "we'll get you out Bar, I promise". Barry smiled and placed his hand against the glass. Kara smiled and placed her hand where Barry's is. She activated her comms and said "guys we have a big problem".

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