Chapter 8

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Chapter 8

I woke up to the high-pitched screams of Lexi, who was lying next to me on her pale pink bed sheets just a few seconds ago. At first, I –literally- jumped out of my sleeping position thinking she was having some sickening nightmare but when I caught on what she was screaming, I resisted the urge to groan and push her back under the covers to sleep.

This has to be a nightmare.

To be more specific my nightmare.

    Today is the day that I've been excited and forced to wait for patiently for the past couple of months yet been dreading for the past couple of days. Other than the surprising news I've learned from the hospital four days ago, today's plans have no other effect than raising up my anxiety to a level I didn't even know it could reach.

     Ever since Lexi's words registered into my mind, a painful headache made an appearance in my forehead and nausea hit me. While Lexi's currently jumping on the spongy mattress with unmistakable excitement that I weirdly lacked, I felt like disappearing from the face of the earth. Not forever though- at least for today.

My wedding day.

"Wake up!" Lexi pulls the covers away from my face and pulls me out of bed as she forces me to stand.

    Four days ago, after Seth told me that Evelyn is still alive, I searched on google about a 'dead Evelyn' since I remember how my mom mentioned that she read it somewhere in the news, but nothing came up, so I attempted to search on a 'recovering Evelyn from a car crash', and disappointment rushed through me when nothing came up either.

No Evelyn.

No car crash.


      Ever since I made it back to Lexi's house really late that night, I've been sleeping over at her house. I was so grateful that she stayed up until two am, on the day I went to the hospital, just so she could open up the front door and let me in. She was so hesitant between staying up all night so that she could force me to spill the beans and pushing me to sleep so that I'd be able to recover some beauty which, according to her, I've been losing lately.

    Being the good friend she is, she made up her mind on the latter one but not before asking me to tell her briefly what happened. Then, she made me pinky swear that I'll tell her everything in detail when I wake up. She made it clear for me that she's just letting it slide this one time because my extremely important once in a life time event was near.

     Even though I would never admit it, her decision didn't really matter because I couldn't catch much of a sleep anyways. With my mind held captive in the myriad of swirling different thoughts, I wasn't surprised when I had a dream that night which consisted of me walking down the aisle next to my father while Adrien was standing at the end looking more handsome than ever with a wide smile on his face. I wasn't surprised when I saw someone else standing in front of him, wearing an identical wedding dress to the one I was wearing who was not me. I wasn't surprised that it was Evelyn.

I wasn't even surprised that he kissed her.

     With my train of thoughts, I learned that everything is possible. Maybe the thought that there's someone out there who looks exactly like me bothers me now more than ever whether they're a stranger or an identical twin. The thought that someone could so easily be presumed you makes it feel like you somehow have got no control over your own life. Despite not truly knowing her at all, Evelyn doesn't seem the type of person that would steal your identity or take advantage of a strange situation like ours, but it still doesn't make it feel any better knowing that she could roam around pretending to be Elena anytime she wants and still be Katherine Pierce.

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