Chapter 10

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Chapter 10

Echoes of my laughter vibrated in my eardrums. Once Adam blurted out how I lost my memories, I couldn't help stop the burst of giggles knocking on my lips from inside, which were begging to be released, from coming out. While Lexi and Adam kept sending each other worried glances, I was locked up in a laughing hysteria that my chest was vibrating so hard, and tears were starting to make an appearance in my eyes.

     What nonsense is he saying? Does he think it's funny that I'm currently at loss in my life that he felt the need to come up with some joke to make my life sound like some messed up drama movie?

"I'm s-sorry." I manage to say whilst clutching my stomach. "I-I can't."

No one talked.

The room was filled solely with my maniac-sounding laughter which was starting to wear down gradually once I noticed the serious looks on the faces of my best friend and the stranger whose wallet messed up my damn life.

"Evie." Lexi's hand rests on mine and offers me a gentle squeeze as she looks at me both pleadingly and sorrowfully. "It's the truth; just hear him out, please."

I remove my hand roughly from beneath hers and smack my hands down on the table roughly that a sudden pain cursed through it as I whisper yell, "Lexi, stop! What nonsense are you saying? Can you even hear yourself? You can't believe this! Don't you think I would remember whether or not I had an accident?"

"That's the thing, Evie," she murmurs gently as she tries to hold back the tears that were beginning to form in her hazel eyes. "You lost your memories. How can you remember something that, for you, technically never happened?"

      My mind broods over her simple question that would've never crossed my mind if I wasn't here now, and she's right. How can someone who suffers memory loss due to a life-changing incident remember the incident that triggered it itself?

       Even though Lexi's question did a double take in my mind, I no longer wanted to listen. Maybe it was because I haven't thought about it before or because I didn't want to believe what she's saying, for what she's technically stating is that my whole life's been a lie. What I thought right now, though, is that I am fed up listening to everyone's personal theory on what the hell happened to my life. I suddenly regret my decision to leave the wedding hall, end things with Adrien just to come here and listen to a bunch of more lies, and from who?


My best friend.

"You know what Lexi? I'm sick of constantly hearing lies. Just a few minutes ago, you were promising me that you'll tell me the whole truth if I give up my wedding with Adrien, and I did. I did the impossible: I went up straight to my fiancé's face and told him I'm ending our relationship on our wedding day. Do you know why I did it, Lexi? I did it because I trust you, so if you don't tell me the truth right this instant I'll—"

      I'm interrupted by the stack of papers, which are suddenly smacked down on the table right in front of me. My eyes drift from Lexi to the hypnotizing grey eyes staring intensely into mine. "Evangeline." He lets go of the stack of papers, which apparently weren't papers but photos, shakes his head and averts his eyes to the photos pointedly. "We're not lying."

       My speech turns into dead silence, and my mouth opens in shock and disbelief when my eyes avert from Adam to the photos on the table. It felt like someone punched me in the gut without giving me a head start. Tears start forming in the corners of my eyes as I pull out the photo, the one on top of all the others, which featured an unconscious young woman, who looked exactly like me, on a hospital bed. Her swollen eyelids were a dark shade of bloody red as if they've been punched mercilessly, while her head was wrapped in multiple layers of white medical cloth.

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