Chapter 17

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Chapter 17


Dear Diary,

        I have decided that the twenty sixth of June is just not my day. It's a curse. An awful, horrible, hideous, terrible and a malicious curse. It's a black cat. It's the day that rained on my parade. The day that slapped me in the face. I wish I can just forget about those last sixty minutes. I wish I could have the ability to choose what my mind locks in those damn memory cells, to have the ability to remember the things I want to know, the memories I truly cherish, and throw away the ones that break you and worse: the ones that haunt you in the middle of the night. For this sole reason of my new profound hatred for June twenty six, I created a name for this specific date to remind me of the reason behind my not everlasting happiness: my parents. For this reason, I decided to call this certain time of the year 'International Disowning-My-Parents Day'.

Even if it wasn't really international- just Adam and I wishing to disown our parents.

       Today was the day that- at its beginning- I was looking forward to and near its end, I was already loathing it. The day Adam and I decided to finally gather our parents in order to keep them up to date with our recent plans. We were supposedly going to tell them on how we picked a date for our wedding day which will be three months ahead from today. I had already called a wedding planner and scheduled an appointment with her next month, since her schedule's almost full, and that was the closest available free space. Excitement forced adrenaline to burst through my veins and into my heart, causing it to pump faster and harder. I was so excited to see the look on my mother's face. She's always encouraged me to strive hard in life, to work hard for the things I love, to be cautious with my emotions, to never mistake care and affection for love, and to never let the person you love slip away through my fingers if I know that he's the one.

     I always thought that I have the best parents in the world; that no other parents could match mine, and that they will forever remain my role models, but I've never been more wrong. I always thought I was grateful for having the most understanding parents ever; the most thoughtful parents in this world, but they weren't apparently- not when their postures stiffened and their gazes ran cold at our announcement. To say that their reaction swung me by surprise was an understatement. From all the possible reactions running through my head, this wasn't one of them. This was out of the box. This was confusing as well as painful especially when both parents- mine and Adam's- reacted in the same way. I didn't know about Adam, and I didn't have it in me to rotate my head to the left to take a peek at him, but for me, this felt like a sudden stab to the heart, seeing those closest to me- the ones who matter to me the most- not share my happiness with me.

What can I say?

Money does bring out the worst in the best.

      "Is something wrong?" I have asked, trying so hard to keep away the hurt from being too evident in my voice. Is it the date that they don't like? Because if that's the case, then we can always change it. We haven't even booked yet, but we were planning to. If this wasn't the case though, then what was? Were they mad I called the wedding planner without telling them? Is this why they're not beaming with joy like I thought they would? Is this why they're still sitting on the couch instead of running into my arms? Is this why they're frozen in their seats instead of already spreading the news to the neighbours? Couldn't they at least pretend to be happy for my sake? For our sake?

Both my dad and Adam's shared a look before my dad's jaw ticked, suddenly angry, as he states for a fact, "You can't get married."

      While I was fighting myself not to curse-yell at my father for being so blunt about something as important to me as my destiny- as my life, Adam's dad was agreeing on what my dad just said. I wouldn't have even figured it out if it weren't for me eyeing him warily as he nodded too eagerly for my liking.

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