05 | Leia

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I found out late, that there were two ways to be an escort

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I found out late, that there were two ways to be an escort. One, probably the least productive though, was what the girls termed 'freelancer' escorts. It was pretty basic, the escort's only medium of advertisement was social media and word of mouth.

According to Abigail, those escorts weren't really successful and ended up broke and struggling, one way or another.

Which was how we ended up in Leia's Palor.

A pimp.

Freaking Abby, Kiki's friend, took me to a frigging pimp. And currently I was standing in line along with other super hot, bombshells as 'initiates'.

Apparently, Leia's Parlor was run by a woman, to whom –Abigail had told me in the dressing room while pinching my plump cheeks– we should refer to simply as Leia. The parlor was located in a high rise hotel which served as a front.

Abby obviously had once worked under Leia before, so she knew who to ask for at the hotel concierge's desk. Otherwise, Kiki, Abby and I would have needed a password or something.

It had taken a whole week to get us here. Between waiting to arrange my slot and prepping and pinching and pulling out all my hairs to make sure I was ready, I still felt like I tumbled down a rabbit hole and ended up in this place.

The one piece bikini I was in made me feel out of place and ridiculous, even amongst the rest of the new girls, who were in the same get up.

Abby had explained to me that this was meant to properly display our 'assets'. Not all of the initiates would get picked though. And with my cold feet, if that wasn't enough to make me hyperventilate...

The suite we were in was decorated in classic, Elizabethan styles. A huge chandelier hung right above our heads like it would drop any minute now. All drapes were closed and the lighting was sparse. Imagine the red room only with a bit less red and more golds and blues everywhere they could get it in.

I and about five other girls were the only ones in the sparsely furnished space.

Well, other than the naked woman kneeling beside the fireplace.

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